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Boryana D.
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Date Posted: 20:30:09 10/24/03 Fri
Author Host/IP: 1Cust30.tnt1.greenville.sc.da.uu.net/

This mail is sent to you because you or a friend of yours has added your name to our mailing list. To unsubscribe, please go to: www.warwicktea.com/id5.html . We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

…And earn $100,000 by Christmas!

Dear Friend,

How would you like to become the NEXT Robert Allen, earning $24,000 in 24 hours on the Internet?


-- by JOINING our PRODUCT INTRODUCTION MARKETING CAMPAIGN, this September - December, 2003.

Follow the simple instructions below exactly, and your success is GUARANTEED!

TO JOIN OUR MARKETING CAMPAIGN you need to DO exactly TWO things:

1. Purchase 1 BOX of our NEW Warwick Tea for trial and review - a total investment of $13.90! This adds you name to our AGENTS-TO-BE-PAID list. ORDER NOW: www.warwicktea.com
2. Delete the Marketing Agent's Name at the bottom of this PROMOTIONAL NEWSLETTER, add your name in its place, and forward this letter to at least 200 people you know - a total investment of 1-2 hours of computer work!

TO REWARD you for participating in our marketing campaign, the Warwick Tea Company, Inc. WILL compensate you $1.00 for each product sold as a result of your forwarding this PROMOTIONAL NEWSLETTER.

FOLLOWING these simple TWO steps of our campaign, you could earn $100,000 or more by Christmas 2003 when our campaign ends.


It is to INTRODUCE a NEW PRODUCT, the Warwick Tea, to the general public, and to raise awareness about the preventability and treatment of terminal illnesses, through natural foods and products.

What is our PRODUCT?

A natural blood cleanser, the Warwick Tea is an herbal tea that gently stimulates the immune system, promoting lymphatic drainage and detoxification, and helping the body fight serious illnesses. Teenagers - this tea is great for ACNE! For more information, visit our web site: www.warwicktea.com


The Warwick Tea Company pays Sales Associates to market and sell our products. If you choose to participate in our MARKETING CAMPAIGN, you become a temporary Marketing Agent for our company. When you forward this PROMOTIONAL NEWSLETTER to 200 people, it is estimated that at least 10 people WILL join our marketing campaign, by ordering the product and passing the PROMOTION along to 200 more people each. You will get paid $1.00 for each 10 people ($10.00). If 100 people continue the campaign from that point, you will receive $1.00 from their orders ($100.00). When those 100 people forward the newsletter to 200 people each, you will receive $1,000.00. When those 1000 people forward the campaign, you will receive $10,000 commission. Finally, when the 10,000 people forward the newsletter to 200 each, you will receive $1.00 from their orders ($100,000), to total your earnings at around $111,110.00.
At this point, your name will be dropped off our AGENTS-TO-BE-PAID list, and you will receive a THANK YOU gift for participating in our MARKETING CAMPAIGN.

What HAVE you to LOOSE?

$13.90? NO! You will purchase a product with numerous benefits and would absolutely love it! In the process, you will learn more about living and eating healthy, in order to enjoy longer, happier life!

You have NOTHING to loose, but MUCH to gain!

You just may be at the RIGHT place at the RIGHT time!


Here are a few reasons why some people will choose NOT to participate in a MARKETING CAMPAIGN as this:

Some people are SKEPTICAL they could ever make money by PROMOTING someone else's product.

Some people are AFRAID of failure or ridicule.

Some people think it's too good to be true.

Some people dream of making a lot of money but do NOTHING to achieve those dreams.

Some people believe they have better chances of winning the lottery than to earn lots of money through WORKING SMART.

Some people are just PLAIN LAZY.

Some people think they will just WASTE their money trying something new!

Legal Notice: This Promotional Program is in compliance with the FTC Advertisement and Promotion Law and with the U.S. Postal & Lottery Law, Title 18, Sections 1302 and 1342.

Let us COMPENSATE YOU for MARKETING our product!

Marketing Agent's Name: Boryana Dimitrova

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