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Subject: Burn out from One Night Stand Tsunami program?

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Date Posted: 21:26:17 01/02/05 Sun
Author Host/IP: NoHost/

Hello members,

You get emails every day, offering to show you how to make money.
Most of these emails are from people who are NOT making any money.
And they expect you to listen to them?

Had enough?

If you want to make money with your computer, then you should hook up
with a group that is actually doing it. We are making a large,
residual income every month. What's more -- we will show you how to
do the same thing.

This business is done completely by Internet and email, and you can
even join for free to check it out first. If you can send an email,
you can do this. No special "skills" are required.

How much are we making? Anywhere from $90 to $9000 per month. We are
real people, and most of us work at this business part-time. But keep
in mind, we do WORK at it -- I am not going to insult your
intelligence by saying you can sign up, do no work, and rake in the
cash. That kind of job does not exist. But if you are willing to put
in 10-12 hours per week, this might be just the thing you are looking

This is not income that is determined by luck, or work that is done
for you -- it is all based on your effort. But, as I said, there are
no special skills required. And this income is RESIDUAL - meaning
that it continues each month (and it tends to increase each month

Interested? I invite you to find out more. peluangniaga, You can read
and learn before commiting any time or money, at no obligation to
continue if you decide it is not for you. We are just looking for
people who still have that "burning desire" to find an opportunity
that will reward them incredibly well, if they work at it.

If you are interested, please send an email to: ffsi@how-to-get-rich-
faster.com with the subject "More Info"

Don't Forget to include your info in your email.

First Name:
Last Name:
Telephone #:

or check this site out http://www.cybereliteteam.com

We will send you a special report as soon as possible.

That's all there is to it.

We'll then send you info, and you can make up your own mind.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Caring for your success,

PS. After having several negative experiences with network marketing
companies I had pretty much given up on them. This is different --
there is value, integrity, and a REAL opportunity to have your own
home--based business...and finally make real money on the Internet.
Don't pass this up, test drive our program and we will show you how
to do the business.

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