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Date Posted: 10:34:17 08/01/02 Thu
Author: Minerva
Subject: Approach

Fine mermaid swims up to th' territory. Her tail, grey atop ivorn beneath, flops listlessly, keeping her upright with th' smallest of efforts. Iron muscled arms clench at a culture of kelp, th' oozing green sea grass streaming behind her like a curtain of ribbons. A small red fox, eyes cool and content, paddles easily beside her, treading water with webbed pads. A reef shark, ebony tipped scythe flicking, swims around behind her soundlessly, eyes glazed and wary. Minerva turns to look at her surroundings, glossy skin shining in th' dim light beneath th' sea. Hawklike optics of lilly green pick out leadress of th' group, moving towards her.

Good day dear. Refined senses I call vision and smell tell me this is your territory. Seeing as how this is the only mermish territory, I entreat you to let me join. Trust me, I am a valuable asset to this place. So, might I take up residence here?

Th' fox, who had been silent, paddles doggedly over to th' new mermaid, eyes her curiously, though his normally landbound senses were numbed underwater, he could detect the smell of three new people. th' reef shark looks doubtfully at th' newcomer, staying close to Minerva. Suddenly, as if her companion's wariness had reminded her, she holds out th' bundle of kelp, as a sort of peace offering. Th' large bulbs were full of ols that would keep skin healthy below water, and become a sun protectant and mousterizer above, keeping delicate scales and skin from drying out and cracking. She herself kept a bottle of it at her side, and her hair, skin and tail shone with it, giving her a look like she had been bathed in moonlight. She beams a smile, and where most merfolk would have human eyeteeth, she had long, slightly serrated fangs, though they added slightly to her barbaric charm, as she sat there, green ribbons clenched before her, totally naked, multicolored hair waving like th' water itself, and a knife stuck in her gory belt of shells, skin and cast away net...

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