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Subject: 6 Dollar to Riches with PayPal

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Date Posted: 04:15:21 03/03/05 Thu

Do not read on, unless you agree to this :
If I told you, I can show you how to make $40k within 4-5 months but your cost will be $6 and 1-2 hours to do it. Would you spend the $6 and 1-2 hours? If you would, read on.
Ok, I’m not going to give you a sales pitch on how wonderful this is and so on. Lets cut the crap. Below are the instructions step by step, follow them and be on your way to financial freedom.
• 90% of people reading this already have an paypal account, if you don’t already have one, go to www.paypal.com and open an account. (This is needed to get your income)
• At the end of these instructions are names and email addresses of 6 people. Immediately send $1.00 to each of them via paypal. Be sure to put in the comment box “Please add me to your mailing list” Once money is sent, print out the transactions and keep it for records. (This is what makes the system legal)
If you have any legal doubts, please refer to title 18 section 1302.
• Copy this entire letter but removing the first person on the list of emails and adding yourself at the bottom, this way you will stay in the cycle 6 rounds. So now you are #6 and #2 just became #1.
• Now one of these in at least 200 forums like this one. (There are thousands out there) The rate of success is currently at 15 out of 200 who will respond. ($15 round 1) Those 15 will also post 200 each, making it total of 225 responses. ($225 round 2) Those 225 will do the same results in approx. 3,375 responses. ($3,375 round 3). You get the picture from there. You are in the cycle for 6 rounds.
• After you make those 200 posts. Check your paypal account in a week, there will be money ready for you.
When I myself first started, I spent my $6 dollars and made 200 posts and stopped. Still skeptical I waited thinking if it didn’t work I lose $6 which is 1 meal at Burger King; big deal. Right after, I had to leave to Chicago to visit my aunt for 2 weeks. Then I came home like week and half later and wondered, “whatever happened to that money machine with 6 dollars” I checked my paypal account and there it was, my screen was filled from top to bottom with deposit transactions. Change your life as well, I wish you all the best. And please, give to charity and help the victims in southern Asia by Tsunami Relief Aid also.

1 ) Seun Olaoluwa >> gianteagle001@yahoo.com
2 ) Ian Hedley, Krabi >> iandhedley@yahoo.com
3 ) R. Malkin, Leicester >> rolandmalkin@yahoo.com
4 ) Sharon Marcella >> shaz_marcella@hotmail.com
5 ) Navin Prithyani >> eternal_navin@yahoo.com
6 ) Jonas Nystrom >> jonaz.nystrom@telia.com

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