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Subject: Children and teens brought under general anesthesia and secretly microchipped

Roger Pinroose
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Date Posted: 17:51:49 08/18/17 Fri

To read about children and teens secretly being microshipped during mandatory examinations under general anesthesia and to read warnings about corrupt pediatricians, please scroll further down

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Interesting polls about events in childhood, teenhood and adulthood

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Knut Holt


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Children and Teens Secretly Being Microshipped During Mandatory Examinations under General Anesthesia

A main method to obtein the goals of a worldide feudal order governed by a technocratic elite is to surveil and control children and teens in the moust intimate and direct physical and psychological ways.

In steadily more societies children and teens are called in for a mandatory medical examination under anesthesia where they inspect the kid with endoscopic instruments through all body openings in addition to also use advanced radiological techniques to record all kind of data about the kid. Furthermore psychological and emotional tests are used by these ordeals with the child in a drugged state.

But in addtion they place one or two or more electronic chips into the body of the kid. These chips are then used to monitor the whereabouts of the kid around the clock and also the physiological activities in the body. which says a lot about what the kid does or what other do with the kid at any time. The kids himself or the parents are generally not aware of everything done during these medical ordeals or these chips being placed.

All this seems to be internationally coordinated, and stedily more towns or communities are connected to this program. Often these exams are done when the kid is under anesthesia for some other known procedure, or some dummy explanation is used, so that even the exam itself is secret.

By Knut Holt



Things You Should Know about Your Child's Pediatrician

The common assumption about pediatric professionals are that their foremost objective is the wellfare of you child and to help the parents caring for the wellbeing of the child best possible. This assumptions has however substantial modifications.

First of all the pediatrician will work according to a definition of childrens wellfare opposed upon them by the authorities of the community or by the medical profession. This definition will always be more or less biased by the greed for commercial proffit and by the greed for power and controle upon the child and the parents, and thus the professional wellfare definition will tend to deviate substantially from what is understood as children's wellfare by the parents.

This basis will influence the way the pediatrician examines your child and what decision or suggestion she will make regarding actions upon the child in several ways:

The pediatrician does not only examine your child, but in a way also you, the parent, and your interactions with the child. She will then compare what she sees and hears with a very strict normality scheme, and if she finds even the slightest deviation, she will think about neglect or abuse from the parents upon the child, or about a parent not competent to rise a child, at least not without extra cervices from the community. Her suspicion will be awakened by too little or too much verbal communication between the child and parent, by too little or too much intimacy between the child and parent, by your child being too little or too bashful upon bodily examinations, by a too great degree of scheptisism towards the doctor or her assistants from the child or parents, and by things the child may say to the parent or the pediatrician.

The pediatrician will during the examination constantly assess the status of the child's mental development and compare what she finds with her strict normality scheme. She will expect the child to know, understand, have an interest for and feel certain things deemed appropriate for the age and social class of the child, but not to know, understand, have interests or feelings beyond this. The examination typically has sesions where she talks with the parent and the child where these things are assessed, but this assessment will continue throughout the whole examination.

Likewise she will look for deviations from a strict normality scheme regarding physical development such as length, weight, posture, muscular status and genital development. For some time the pediatric society has regarded fat children as the normal standard, and children that have a healthy weight to be anorectic or showing a symptom of abuse or neglect. But if your child is only slightly fatter than expected, also that will also provoke suspicion.

By these assessments not only deviations that give functional problems will be regarded with suspicion. Also positive deviations that make your child more knowledge-rich, more thoughtful, more able, stronger or more handsome than the average will be looked upon with suspicion. A child or teen that expresses political opinions or politically tending opinions that goes beyond the political indoctrination received from the school will especially evoke suspicion, and likewise expressions of deviating religious opinions.

During the whole of the examination she will do handlings with your child that not only has the purpose of finding specific signs of disease or functional problems, but also to provoke verbal reactions, signs of emotions or physical responces she can use to assess metal and physical deviations form her normality scheme.

During the orthopedic examinations and neurological examinations, the child will be nearly or completely naked. The handlings of the whole body during these parts are rather intimate and especially suited to evoke reactions. Also the pediatricion tend to do these examinations in a way that will provoke reactions of all kind with the clear purpose of watching the reactions to find deviation in the child or in the relationship within hisher family.

The genital and rectal examination will also typically not only have the purpose of finding signs of disease in that region, but also to find signs of development deviations of mental art, signs of abuse , signs of impropriate bahavior or signs of deviating family relationship.

The pediatric profession in many societies is on constant allert to find symptoms of sexual abuse, psychological abuse, neglect of needs or deviations in family dynamics, partly opposed by the political authorities of the society. They also tend to use a rediculously extended definition of sexual abuse or other type of abuse or neglect. Your pediatrician will likely interprete nearly all reactions from your child that deviate from the strict normality scheme as symptoms of abuse.

Every pediatrician have an extensive cooperation with subspecialists within special organ systems of children or within psychology, psychiatry, social work or pedagogy. To a certain extent this is how it should be. But your pediatrician is also likely to work as a kind of sales person for these subspecialists and get provision for every child she refere to them. In this way she can generate a conciderably higher proffit from your child than from the work she alone does. This commercial relationships are likely to bias her diagnosis and her decisions or advices regarding your child.

The exaggeratedly strict normality schemes that your pediatrician is likely to base her work upon, also has such a commercial objective. The stricter you define normality, and the wider you define the abnormal, the more reason will there be to refere a child to services that the medical community can proffit from. Whether such a commercial relationships will bias her decisions, will of course vary according to the moral standard of your pediatricion and according to which extent such relationships are legal in your society, but it is absolutely a factor you should be aware of.

By Knut Holt

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ram Address?

Your compiler is great !!
I am working on a 16F876 programmable logic controller implemented with your compiler.The first results seems to be nice ......

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Subject: Don`t give up the good work.

Klaus Rieder
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Date Posted: 11:07:26 01/10/05 Mon


Is someone working at this nice tool now ? Don`t give up the good work. I hope that one day, there will be some nice tutorials for pas2pic. A port to linux would also be nice.

Klaus Rieder

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Subject: Require sample for reading analog input & writing analog output

Neoh Soon Huat
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Date Posted: 01:20:29 03/03/05 Thu

Need a sample code for reading analog input & writing analog
output value.

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Subject: Any idea to read analog input signal from AN0 for microchip using pas2pic compiler

Neoh Soon Huat
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Date Posted: 07:09:49 11/30/04 Tue

Hi, Jano

Thank for you, but now i have facing some problem to reading
my 10vdc analog input signal by using pas2pic compiler. My chipset is P16F872. I know compiler is not support at this
moment but still can choose other model no. chipset.Improtant need to know how to read by using through
pas2pic compiler. Thanks again

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Subject: C

Daniel Wasner
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Date Posted: 09:11:04 11/08/04 Mon


I just tried to compile F84_EX.pas.
The compiler gave me some error msgs:

"Error: F84_EX.pas 1,11
Bad Processor definition"

What went wrong ? 16f84.ptp is in the same directory.
I`m using Freedos and installed csdpmi to (c:\fdos\bin)


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Subject: Array and LCD

Michal Josefsson
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Date Posted: 14:31:41 09/22/04 Wed


I want to print text on LCD display, can I use a array variabel to put the text in??? I dont want to use EEPROM is this a other way to do it??
If someone have a example how to use array variable or if it is other way to do it please send it to my mailbox!!!

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Subject: Devices quest

Michael Josefsson
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Date Posted: 15:13:12 09/17/04 Fri


Thanks for a good compiler!!!!
I just have a question , can I use " processor 16F877 " for Pic 16F877A or do I have to make a copy of the 16F877 pth-file a change some defines???

//Michael Josefsson Sweden

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Subject: Need some information

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Date Posted: 18:53:56 08/01/04 Sun

Hi folks

It`s cool that I finally found a free pascal compiler for mcu`s. Pascal is my favorite language. But..are there assembler skills requierd for programming with pas2pic?
I have no clue programming asm.
The lack of tutorials is a pity, there is no support for the beginner.
Well..is working anybody at the compiler ? The news on the main site seems to be a bit outdated.

Greetings Inferno

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Subject: How to read external input port signal status

Neoh Soon Huat
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Date Posted: 10:13:04 03/11/04 Thu

Required simple example for how read the input signal from
port A. Of course, output can turn on or off by using BitSet & BitClear but the input how should i assign.

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Subject: Do you have any user manual

Neoh Soon Huat
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Date Posted: 21:30:23 02/10/04 Tue

Request for user manual for programming because i still fresh with pascal.If have any guide line is most greatful.
Pas2pic is a best compiler.

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Subject: pointers

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Date Posted: 05:52:54 07/24/03 Thu


I've just start using your ql Pascal compiler and I got stuck trying to use pointers. Something like:
* means pointer on a reg.

How do I do this in Pascal?

Have a nice day,


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Subject: RS232 problem

Per Medin
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Date Posted: 08:57:01 06/09/03 Mon


I have some problems with the RS232 interface, my PIC is a 16F873 and i have a MAX232 to fix the signal levels.

I'm using the following code to test the port, but i can't get it to work.

processor 16F873;

cfgword cp_off,pwrte_on,wdt_off,hs_osc,lvp_off,bod_off;

uses rs232;

procedure main;
Var r;


If RS232_IsData Then
r := RS232_Receive;
Until False;


I'm using a 4Mhz resonator and have set SPBRG:=25; (2400bps). If i make a jumper between in and out pin on MAX232's 5v side it echo's what i send, but the PIC doesn't. I know that the code RS232_IsData never gets true (i have tested with a led on port A).
Is there anyone who has some suggestions of what i may have done wrong.

And now to something totally different.
I have made my own variant of the lcdunit which uses totally 6 pins on the PIC (4pin interface 4pin control)
If anyone is interested please drop me a mail.

Per Medin

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Subject: Display connection

Per Medin
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Date Posted: 13:00:04 05/08/03 Thu

Wow! At least i found a FREE pascalcompiler. I'v tried JAL but i have used pascal before so this made me very happy. I'm no expert i PIC programming so i vonder how to connect the HD44780 display type to the processor? It would be nice with some pininformation in the includefile for LCD's etc. Keep up the good work. /Per Medin Sweden

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Subject: Can't execute compiler from cmdline...

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Date Posted: 15:27:13 05/05/03 Mon

While I'm trying to execute your compiler pas2pic.exe from command-line, i have a strange problem. I invoke the compiler with his FULL EXECUTABLE NAME (something like "C:\Pas2Pic\Pas2Pic.exe") and provide the
source file name as parameter on the command line but... can't compile the source file, because it seems that compiler 'sees' corrupted source file, but this isn't true - when i execute the compiler .exe from it's directory, everything seems allright... That's bad... Have any ideas?

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Subject: Delphi migration

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Date Posted: 02:58:08 05/03/03 Sat

I'm happy to see, that you like my program.
Yes, you guessed well, it was written is Pascal. More exactly, I started it in Free Pascal, and later I migrated it to Delphi. So the last version was compiled with Delphi. I don't plan to release the source code in the near future, because it's a bit chaotic, and most of the variable-, and
routinnames are hungarian. Maybe if I have time to make it clear, I will do it. But I released a delphi unit, which contains the compiler, so you can make an IDE.

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Subject: 10x for the good written compiler !!!

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Date Posted: 12:24:59 04/27/03 Sun

This is the best (my opinion :) free compiler for pic mcu. I don't know the language it was written (possibly Pascal?!), but as others say, why don't you migrate to Delphi - the advantages are more than disadvantages. And one question - is there any way to release the compiler source in the public domain, so we all to help you to create the best Pascal Compiler we've ever seen? I'm a Pascal & Delphi programmer, so if my efforts would be usefull, you can count on me!

Best regards,
Nikolai Dimitrov a.k.a. PicMaster,

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Subject: Congratulations!!!

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Date Posted: 12:22:02 04/27/03 Sun

This is the best (my opinion :) free compiler for pic mcu. I don't know the language it was written (possibly Pascal?!), but as others say, why don't you migrate to Delphi - the advantages are more than disadvantages. And one question - is there any way to release the compiler source in the public domain, so we all to help you to create the best Pascal Compiler we've ever seen? I'm a Pascal & Delphi programmer, so if my efforts would be usefull, you can count on me!

Best regards,
Nikolai Dimitrov a.k.a. PicMaster,

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Subject: Delphi Migration

Gianpaolo Avallone
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Date Posted: 04:14:24 01/14/03 Tue

Your is a very great work!

What do you think about to migrate the compiler in Delphi?
so it will be easy to create an IDE.

If you need any help feel free to contact me.


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Subject: Re: New types

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Date Posted: 09:24:58 01/02/03 Thu

The next version of this program will have a bit better aritmethic (you can use expressions like this: (a+b xor 8-(3+a) or b). If I have finished it, maybe I will add 16-bit unsigned variables, but it's not easy to implement signed variables on PIC. One of my other plans is, that the using of arrays should be improved, so it would be possible to use them as a long variable.

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Subject: New types

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Date Posted: 03:00:03 01/01/03 Wed

I want ask if you add 24 or 32 bit signed variables. I'm looking for free high level language with these features,but I have not find anything yet.

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Subject: Re: S.O.S.

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Date Posted: 03:08:44 12/29/02 Sun

If you want you use the program, first you must unzip the .zip file. It's important, that the pas2pic.exe and the DEVICES, EXAMPLES, UNITS directories must be in the same directory, otherwise the compiler won't find the necessary files. When it's done, you can compile in DOS, or the DOS prompt of the Windows. The first and only parameter is the name of the source code, without .pas. For example, type it:

pas2pic examples\eepr_ex

Hopefully, in the examples dir, an eepr_ex.hex file will appear. You can program it to the PIC directly.

Happy New Year!

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Subject: S.O.S

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Date Posted: 21:01:41 12/19/02 Thu

excusame i do now espeak very good inglis and y belive that your program is veri interesting and i'd like if could you helmy to install in mine pc please.

it wanted to know if you can help me to be able to make use of your program, or tries to istalar it and it does not work or something walks bad

i'm amateur programer

Merry Christmas

greetings from mexico

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