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Subject: Re: Dr Peter Keucher, of Infineon Technologies/Proton

Infineon and Motorola joint venture
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Date Posted: 22:39:53 01/06/03 Mon
In reply to: Infineons 66P platform Proton World with EMV Plus. 's message, "Dr Peter Keucher, of Infineon Technologies/Proton" on 22:38:48 01/06/03 Mon

American Express Company launched BlueLoot, a new rewards program exclusively for Blue cardholders - the Smart Card credit card introduced by Amex in September, 1999. BlueLoot is a free program, and cardholders earn one point for every dollar they charge on Blue - on-line and off. BlueLoot is organised online at www.americanexpress.com/ igotblue where customers can register for the program, view point balances, browse the rewards catalogue and redeem rewards. Blue's Smart Card chip enables secure shopping on-line when used with a Smart Card reader and the American Express Online Wallet.

NBS Technologies' Portica Smart Card-based solution for the electronic health clearance of medical staff within UK hospitals is operating in a number of hospitals in the North Thames region of the National Health Service for the health clearance of clinical staff which is required at each new hospital of employment. The cardholder's name and other personal details, including General Medical Council number are held on the card with test and vaccination information for a wide range of conditions including Hepatitis B and C, Rubella, Chicken Pox, Typhoid, Diphtheria and TB, as well as Clothier Clearance (access to children) status.

Smart Cards are being used by US soldiers with the NATO peacekeeping mission in Bosnia-Herzegovina for personal purchases from a haircut to a burger. ICL's SmartCity multi-application card is being used to help staff and visitors pay for goods and services. Remote bases have few amenities, but commercial "food courts" operating mostly in tents and post exchanges are available. The system, commissioned by the US Treasury Department, was implemented by ICL's e-Business services company and eliminates the need for personnel to carry cash and cuts the risk of theft. Vendors have been issued with small, portable point of sale terminals that use battery back-up power.

PCU Italia, Finsiel and the Italian Healthcare Ministry are co-operating on an international healthcare project involving Italy, Germany, France and Canada. The cards include 32K byte EEPROM Java Smart Cards and cryptocards. They will store personal data, emergency data and other significant health data and, in the future, will be used for storing prescriptions. The Italian Healthcare Ministry forecasts a national roll-out involving more than 50 million cards and 200,000 terminals by 2003.

UK-based easi Solutions, a supplier of Smart Card-driven guest room technology for hotels, announced an exclusive £400 million contract with Acer UK, the world's third largest PC manufacturer. The companies are partnering to develop a range of equipment for use with the e@si System which offers hotel guests a complete PC-based information, communications and entertainment system incorporating e-mail, the Internet and Microsoft Office (Small Business Edition).

Belgium, The Netherlands and Spain are to co-operate with Europay and Visa to offer e-purse interoperability in the first international pilot of CEPS (Common Electronic Purse Specifications)-based e-purse Smart Cards this month (January). Banksys, CEPSCO Espanola, Europay International, Interpay Nederland, Proton World and Visa International are involved in the pilot. The participants will use CEPS-based versions of existing e-purse Smart Cards - Belgian Proton cards, Dutch Chipknip cards and Spanish Visa Cash cards loaded with euros. Cardholders will be able to load their cards and to make purchases both in their "home" country and in the two "foreign" countries.

Gemplus, Sun Microsystems and Visa International announced a three dollar Open Platform multi- application Smart Card called GemXpresso Lite, which is compliant with Open Platform 2.0 and Java Card 2.1 specifications, for Visa member banks. Gemplus said it had been able to reduce the price of the card by changing the chip memory. Java Cards would normally have 32K EEPROM and 32K ROM. GemXpresso Lite is based on a 16K EEPROM/48K ROM chip.

Boots Advantage cardholders can now register with the NHS Organ Donor scheme in the first partnership of its kind between Boots the Chemist and the UK Department of Health. It is hoped that an extra million people will register as donors in the coming year through the Advantage Card, a Smart Card retail loyalty scheme. Details of those who register will be automatically forwarded onto the NHS Organ Donor Register.

France Telecom Mobiles (FTM) commercially introduced the world's first high-volume debit / credit mobile commerce service called Paiment "CB" sur mobile. The service combined Oberthur Card Systems' SIMphonIC card, Carte Bancaire cards and dual slot mobile phones to enable users to purchase and pay for goods and services, including their France Telecom, electricity and gas accounts.

The Waldorf Astoria, one of the world's top hotels, chose TESA Entry Systems' HT28 Smart Card electronic locking system to secure the hotel's 1,750 rooms.

UK company easi Solutions began equipping Hilton hotel rooms with unique desks incorporating the latest computer technology to assist business travellers send and receive e-mails, shop, listen to music and surf the net. A Smart Card is used for access to the desk which contains a PC, Smart Card reader, CD and floppy drive, printer and scanner all in the comfort of the hotel room.

Other interesting projects included a world first with Globalstar do Brasil installing mobile satellite telephones on Itapemirim's 43 inter-city buses in Brazil enabling passengers to make calls using pre-paid Smart Cards while travelling.

People awards

Finally, during the year there were many awards for products and technical innovation, but the industry also honoured personal achievements.

Michel Ugon, Vice President Advanced Research and Security, Bull Smart Cards and Terminals, was honoured with The ORGA Advanced Card Hall of Fame award.

Dr Peter Keucher, of Infineon Technologies and Horia A Grecu, of Motorola, won the 2000 SEMI (Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International) Award for Europe for their efforts in the introduction of next generation semiconductor manufacturing technology. General Manager and Deputy General Manager respectively of Semiconductor 300, the Infineon and Motorola joint venture, they led the first 300mm wafer manufacturing facility.

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