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Subject: Re:Putting it into colloquial language

JCB the Japanese Hawaii Pearl Harbour
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Date Posted: 15:29:46 01/10/03 Fri
In reply to: JCB are very important--bulltwang on BB's then analysis 's message, "Re:As someone who does smartcards and Pork is impressed with this" on 15:17:27 01/10/03 Fri

Here we are in 2003---over half a century has passed since the attack on Pearl Harbour 7th of December 1941---to make a mental note to myself I just think of it that way--The First Hawaai Bank---details of which are on this scratchpad--is owned by BNP Paribus---and they own practically all the banks in California---so from early days in Hawaii---we project off that---and then into the USA---really looking good there.
Thats the thing with ERG---so many developments are happening all the time all over the world---it is happening so quickly it is impossible to keep up with it all--then you have to work out all the alliances and agreements coming off those developments--it is a huge task.
Basically though on this angle---The Japanes have attacked Pearl Harbour and they look like winning this time---and then springboarding into the USA---tied in with the French--who gave the Staue of Liberty to America.
I don't know whther I can weave De Gaulle into the plot--I might be able to get Eva Peron in for South America.

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