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Subject: They have the revenues of proton brought forward

Rome is Proton
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Date Posted: 22:49:18 01/10/03 Fri

They have the revenues of proton brought forward as now they own 100% instead of 10% to offset the additional amortisation of goodwill of 11 mill---taking that out depreciation and amortisation charges for the whole of 2002 were 38.2 million the increase reflected the first full year of of the infrastructure owned by the Group in the Rome project, amortisation of the Proton goodwill and amortisation of the Group's investment in the MASS (multi-application smart cardsolution) technology. When Lazio is finally resolved--Rome is ebitda positive now----additional to that a substantial receivable is due to be collected, refinancing of it has also been delayed because of the Lazio situation going forward 12/9 Depreciation and amortisation, mainly arising from the major
infrastructure investments, will continue to run at approximately 35 million if you take into account that revenues will be rought foward that are growing from the commenrcialisation of Protons technology and the settling to the Lazio dispute amortisation depreciation in real terms will decline.

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Re: They have the revenues of proton brought forwardNo name22:51:48 01/10/03 Fri

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