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Subject: Re: Research Page 7 (abnormal/extraordinary) (EDI Downer--post June 30) (gain) card.etc AG.31.2m

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Date Posted: 18:45:34 12/24/02 Tue
In reply to: anonymous 's message, "Re: Research Page 6 (card.etc AG.19.97%) (San Fran)(MOT)" on 18:21:12 12/24/02 Tue

3395-1) costs too much in litigation everytime
3395--Not aggressively enforce CAT's patents.
3395-D MacSmith(chair/CAT) former patents lawyer.
(out of 16m)9/11 million net-EDI post30/6/02
Profit post June 30th 02 may be as high as
May have a more exacting figure later EDI
Translated Wrongway is the Rightway (lol)
consideration for the sale of ERG Connect.
ERG received the Downer shares as part
ASX#7/3/2000Dow-Numbersecurities issued 55,538
ASX#Extraordinary/Dow/27/6/2000-ERG Connect.
BritneyIn prior years ERG Group 69.9% intangible.
Note## EDI Downer some profit/postJune30/02
Note## EDI Downersome profit waspre June30/02
Note## EDI Downer shares profit/pre/post
ASX#13/5--50:50 joint venture company
ASX#13/5--EDI Rail/JV---Bombardier Transportation.
ERG/ tender/Perth-EDI Downer Bombadier/13/5.
ASX#12/9 not the whole 16m (a proportion of)
ASX#12/9 an abnormal profit made postJune30/02EDI ASX#12/9 proceeds used pay out CBA
ASX#12/9generating approximately $16 million.
ASX#12/9have been soldover the past two months.
ASX# announce 12/9 Downer EDI shares.
ERGprofit EDI Downer shares est 40c per share.
12/9/02 provison project delay losses 15,238.
Chicquitta Chess is playingStockholm Benny
deferred but not disallowed=Delloite
card.etc AG. (the 31.2 million licence fee's)
#ie as cardetcAG19.97% grows ERG share/increases.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Research Page 8 (ASK---relates to page 1)non-exclusive sublicenceanonymous19:02:36 12/24/02 Tue

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