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Date Posted: 08:15:10 08/06/02 Tue
Author: Howard Carlberg
Subject: call it English Ceilidh - more inside
In reply to: Therese 's message, "Dance Differences" on 04:29:25 08/03/02 Sat

You could probably refer to Bush Dancing in Australia as English Ceilidh Dancing. It has been a number of years since I have done Bush Dancing in Australia, and I knew less then, so I can't be sure just what their repertoir includes, but English Ceilidh dances are aimed at the same feel and purpose. The term English Country Dance is used to refer to quite a wide range of dance styles, from first edition Playford dances, to modern dances in that style, to modern dances in modern styles, some slow and elegant, some complicated and intricate, to simple Community Dances Manual style, to simple but lively English Ceilidh, and even more, all gets called Egnlish Country Dance.

So, you could call the Bush Dances ECD, and be correct, but you could also be more specific. There has recently (and currently) been a detailed discussion of the subject starting with the title "oh I get it now" on the ECD discussion list. the archives of which are at:

And you can join the list yourself somehow, perhaps by sending a request to:
or if that doesn't work, contact Alan Winston, at

>I do a lot of bush dancing in Australia. Why isn't it
>called English Country Dancing? It all seems the same,
>just bush dancing is simpler.

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