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Date Posted: 15:04:49 11/25/02 Mon
Author: Aylwen
Subject: Christmas Carol Dance Book

Dear friends,
The Christmas Carol Dance Book is looking fabulous and is already being printed while I type!
Between beautiful full-colour covers are 76 A4 gloss pages of instructions for 64 dances which John Garden has crafted to fit 63 favourite Christmas songs from the last 600 years - together with full lyrics, chorded musical notation, historical notes and illustrations.
It is a major achievement (the dances in their style, formation and figures all echoing the carol's provenance, structure, lyrical story-line) - a boon for any dance leader at Christmas time and a great present for anyone. Hurdy Gurdy and Bagpipe players will also find the music sits well on their instruments.
As it is a limited edition of 400 copies and as 150 have already been bought in advance, please get in quickly for one of the remainders.
Price is just Aust. $20 (approx. $11 US or 8 U.K. pounds) plus flat postage fee for any number of copies anywhere in the world of Aust. $10 (approx. $5 US) Pay via the website via our email address or fax/phone to +61 +2 6281 1098. We also accept international money orders sent to 87 Schlich Street, Yarralumla ACT 2600 Australia. We'll post out by airmail in the last week of November.

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