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Trail Rides

The land surrounding the ranch is great for riding. The timberland is home to a vast network of trails, ranging from well worn paths capable of holding three horses abreast to forgotten walkways nearly reclaimed by the forest. The trails visit hundreds of fascinating places. One follows a tributary of the creek and emerges on a little known trout pond. Several others cross through vast meadows of wildflowers. One nearly impossible to find trail will eventually terminate at an exquisite waterfall, but this should only be atempted by well conditined, expirienced trail horses for the way is steep and often trecherous. The area is rich in wildlife so watch your step. Wherever you choose to ride, be safe and have fun!

Slate Creek Ranch

Subject: Looking for a REAL Home Based Job?

Shankar Dangol
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Date Posted: 06:57:21 07/15/05 Fri

Looking for a REAL Home Based Job? We provide guaranteed NO Cost, legitimate home based employment.
Visit our site for job listings and information

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Subject: Enter

Smoke N T Bird
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Date Posted: 23:00:11 11/24/02 Sun

The bitoned mare strolled leisurly up the road, halting obediently at the trail head. Auds pricked, the fem awaited a signal from her rider.

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