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Subject: Re: age old WAR

eat healthy not happy
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Date Posted: 19:45:06 01/04/05 Tue
In reply to: jowarrior 's message, "age old WAR" on 19:42:38 01/04/05 Tue

>I like that thought
For me this may go on and on so here are just a few missiles for this food fight.
We are at WAR!!!!
Everyone get some weapons. First grab a pen or a keyboard and if you like, sharpen your tongue. The campaign is ongoing and the battle ground is on your land, against your sovereignty, in your minds. Because Man WILL not live in harmony there are all these lines between us. Separatism, individuality, I own this, I want that....The sides are hard to distinguish. On one side you have truth, the other you have Misconceptions, deceptions, propaganda, and a whole web of lies for the flies.
To sift through the sea of deception one would have to put the silver spoon down and search for their own information. The media just doesn't spit out the right truth. Now there is another question. WHY?

Here is some more food for thought-Most food you buy is toxic May not kill you now but get ready for some cancer, diabetes, fat, heart attacks and more...more....more.....because everyone wants MORE, so more is what we get till there is no MORE. What companies make the chemicals for our food and then for the medicine to cure our ailments? What about that for chemical warfare! Only way out is to pay more for organic's or grow your own food and hunt, live off the land.

Now, when our minds and bodies are fit as a fiddle then let the spirit play. Learn the rules to this game of madness called civilized living. Take take take, it is within our lifestyle even though we didn't take directly we still bought it. all of it.
That is, if we have our many televisions, too many cars, disposable plastics and trees, fashion that doesn't last, and million dollar SUIT's....Yes, we are part of the hungry machine that keeps us slave. Then again this mask can be used to hide behind the ties and pull the strings that are needed to unweave the wool.

"We ARE what we eat." Age old quote so I say -what are they making us into anyways??? Is it ALL for a BUCK or just for someone else's LUCK?? ?????? ??????? ????????? ????? ??????? ??????? ??????????????????

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