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Date Posted: 23:00:43 11/22/02 Fri
Author: elena
Subject: Re: jansen 的來信
In reply to: pksmusic 's message, "jansen 的來信" on 12:59:35 11/21/02 Thu

「無題」 could also imply it is up to the listener's interpretation. so it is not necessarily 蒼白...yes, it could be a state of given up but it could also be just taking it easy & having a break. 悲哀 is actually a very tiresome state...a state no one can be in forever, so you might just wake up one day feeling numb & tearless...

life itself is full of loneliness. may be that is just life in its purist form. but at least some of us have the nature of trying to look for those special others, our kindred spirits who we don't even know if they exist or not. the important point is that day after day, night after night, we haven't given up & we still walk the same path. we haven't really given up even knowing that hope is dim. yet, hope is what keep us going though it also makes us feel despair. nonetheless, regardless the ultimate outcome, I think we'll find something on our way...the process that is so precious in itself with experiences as long as we are willing to feel & to see. after all, it is always during our solitude that we can see the most & the deepest...indeed, life is full of melancholy...自閉日子,熱熾絢麗...

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  • Re: jansen 的來信 -- jansen, 13:31:17 12/15/02 Sun

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