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Date Posted: Thu 2003-08-28 20:00:53
Author: Redeye
Subject: I hereby refer you to http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~zj5j-gttl/guns.htm
In reply to: Biff 's message, "It makes it enforceable period." on Thu 2003-08-28 02:30:46

Beyond that, you still haven't explained why the second amendment is such an important right. It might've been vital 200 years ago, but now we live in 2003, not 1789. During the American revolution the settlers' guns were enough to repel the Brits, but now that it's an issue of a gun against nuclear weapons, smart bombs, and satellites, guns won't do you much good.

On another note, the fact that Germany and Japan were democratized at gunpoint is irrelevant to the discussion. This fact is one explanation why Germany and Japan have gun control whereas the USA doesn't, but it doesn't have any effect on the fact that those two conutries are healthy democracies with gun control.

Finally, even if guns help reduce crime - which they don't - then it certainly doesn't warrant a constitutional provision on its own. Note, by the way, that giving Congress/a Specialized Legislature the power to do something also lets the people do that or revoke Congressional laws by initiative or referendum.

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