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Date Posted: 16:15:54 09/08/02 Sun
Author: Sublight Delivery Service - Next decade delivery guranteed!
Subject: Cargo hauling

Deep in the stary void an old sublight Autobot freighter plowed the midnight ocean of interstellar space. The freighter itself had seen better days, from the the slightly corroded orbital hull to the flaking paint of the 'Sublight Delivery Service' fleet markings plastered on the side.

Although the main drive was active and the ship's shields flickered with the occasional space-debris impact, the bridge was dark except for the lime green glow of an autopilot monitor.

The lazy drift of the trajectory read-out abruptly changed to the words 'DESTINATION REACHED' in a harsh, flashing white/red strobe. The main engines moved to standby and the autopilot brought the freighter to a full stop.

Inside the old ship a bulky Autobot cryogen unit began to run through its revival cycle, jetting steam and the occasional crimping noises of metal rapidy defrosting from extremely low temperatures.

Before long a hatch opened on the side of the cryogen unit spilling freezing mist across the bridge. A pair of robotic hands appeared out of the dispersing fog, followed by arms as the Autobot occupant pulled his way on deck. Ice crystals crunched from its joints as he began to jog on the spot whilst shadow boxing.

He was halfway through a touchdown shuffle when he realised the view outside the porthole an empty starfield. Rubbing the last remaining fragments of ice and watervapour from his optics the Autobot sauntered over to the primary pilot seat and cursed as he pulled up a readout of his current position.

"Can't even count on SDS to even map a course," he grumbled.

He checked the status of his cargo, then set a course for his delivery address. The freighter's main engines fired up once more and the SDS* MJ Ganymede set a course for Starbase Rugby.

* SDS - Sublight Delivery Service

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