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Date Posted: 12:35:58 01/21/03 Tue
Author: Dirge
Subject: I aaam a traaansporter, of the Geeeneral Spaaace.

::Months have passed now, since Dirge's reawakening aboard the Rynestone. Months spent traveling the Spuniverse in a manner he'd long grown out of using. Befreft of his board-spanning powers, the Seeker-Knight moved slowly through the cosmos in search of a destination he did not know. Moving inexorably towards a confrontation he could never have anticipated.

Dirge moved uneasily through the shuttle (Which he'd henceforth named the Oddessey) growing restless with each passing week. He was no stranger to waiting, and yet, he'd somehow come to expect that answers would just fall into his lap. He hadn't expected this dreary, dull tedium. And while he was happy to be experiencing anything at all, the joy of it was quickly wearing thin.

A few stops made for supplies on various planets had yielded little information to him. Dirge 'knew' something had happened to the Spuniverse, his lack of power proved this. But every inhabitant he'd encountered seemed to think that nothing at all had gone on during that long period he'd been inactive. Oh, sure, he heard about this war over here. Or that insurrection over there. Or reports of so-and-so invading alien armada attacking that one place. So while Dirge had questions, it would seem that he was somewhat too late for the answers. Maybe it was time to head into more familiar territory.

Dirge moved back into the cockpit, leaning in to the navigation console. Now...what were the co-ordinates for Rugby..::

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