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Date Posted: 12:48:37 03/27/03 Thu
Author: Swarm Hives
Subject: hell...
In reply to: Dracan Armada 's message, ""Here I come to save the day!"" on 12:34:15 03/27/03 Thu

It happened before, it would happen again...and again...and again...on till the end of time...

The Hives had indeed stopped dead in space, but it was not out of fear of this "armada." They were preparing to attakc as they had attacked before.

Slowly, large slit openings began to appear on each Hive, green light appear out of each. Heistant, some of the smaller Dracan ships began to move back, but the lagrer ships maintained position. As the openings reached their maximum, a seeminly contedt and endless sheet of green light poured out of the hives, and headed for the armada. Seeing this happen to the scout ship, many of the ships began to quckly move to another position, but some were not fast enough. The green light bathed the ships not fast enough to move, immidiatly beginning to short out their circuts.

Next came the pain. From the opening, large red energy pulses erupted forth, hurdling through space, and impacting on many ships. Many were destroyed out right, the rest were badly damaged. The ships not affected were hit by the shock waves of the explosions, rendering them temporarlity shut down.

Next came hell. The green light and the pulse blasts stopped, and from the hives, a, what seemed like, black dust cloud began to pour fomr the four, but it was not a dust cloud. It was the drones, the true destructive power. Millions of drones began to latch onto debris and dead ships, and some even went for the ships still functioning.

It had begun...

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