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Date Posted: 18:32:35 09/04/02 Wed
Author: The DimenScion
Subject: Japanese Hair Metal
In reply to: Sohn of Belial 's message, "Throw It All Away" on 16:11:51 09/03/02 Tue

This is quite a predicament, isn't it?

How is this possible? He can't just mimic our powers like that!


Point taken.

Are we going to make a move, or just stare at him?

We are not the aggressors, Al.

Last time I checked, talking it over left us open and made him our equal.

True, I am feeling a bit drained from that...looks like it's up to a good old fashioned showdown.

Spare me any theatrics.

Hell no.

The DimenScion wavered his (their?) fingers at his (their?) side. Sohn quirked his brow.

"On my (our?) count," said the unified celestial soldier, twin blue orbs of energy forming in the palms of his (their?) hands. "Draw."

Sohn grinned, still not saying a word. Four glowing tentacles were now aimed at the DimenScion, each one crackling with a sinister power.


Muscles tensed.


Eyes narrowed.


Time stood still.


Bolts of Author-like power careened through the void, speeding towards their targets. Soon an endless volley was being launched from both sides, each hit seemingly useless. Until....

"Agh!" The DimenScion recoiled in pain. The telekinetic cloud pulled back from Walter and Kathryn, exposing them to the emptiness of space. The DimenScion slammed an arm to the right in an almost reflex motion, wrapping it back around Kathryn...but not Walter.

Sohn had him in his grip, supporting his existance with his protective field. In his eye lay an offer. Power. Power to do what he wanted...power to ward off meddling security gods.

The red pill, or the blue pill?

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