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Welcome to Mistic Avalon
Birds songs Litter with laughter of foals and adults alike along with the whispers of the wind in the trees along with the aloureing smell of roses and LoVs (lillies of the valleys)tales of the trees tell of twins, mothersdeath, friends, foes, and wrencthing tales of war suddenly a mare trots out of the mist in she speaks softly hello and welcome to Mistic Avalon I am Roses have thorns queen of cornorstone valley and Mistic Avalon please come inside"*
she trots off looking back to you and without makeing a noise she beckons you to follow....
Lead Stallion-NONE
Lead Mare
-Roses Have Thorns-Roses or thorns - power- powers of words-hpygoluckyangl37@aol.com
Lead Fillies-LeadColts OneWishGranted, LastStandingAngel Angel'sSnowyStorm
< backuplead marebackuplead stallion--
None Moonset Ski
Alpha Stallion-
Aplha Mare-

Beta Stallion-
Beta Mare-

Other Stallions:
Other Mares:
News- Bloody Hollow and all those who help Bloody Hollow shall fall for declareing war against all lights and neutrals
Note from roses have thorns please come to see Rainbow river- a rainbow river- rainbow falls-rainbow river's water fall tree hollow-where all those who don't have a postion live forest of LoVs Meadow (lilles of the valleys)- you'll never smell anything else so beautiful ever (well except maybe our roses) Rose and Grape tree forest- 20 times bigger than earth largest tree grow here with grape vine and rose vine interwinein themselves up the trees lake gemstone- swim to the bottom and find your deepest desire (not living)

about 80 degrees and very sunny head towards rainbow river

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