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Date Posted: 20:25:05 03/17/09 Tue
Author: SpectraMan
Subject: Re: 2002 Spectra, Junk
In reply to: Emily Linderman, Haddon Twp, NJ 's message, "2002 Spectra, Junk" on 15:46:27 03/16/09 Mon

>7 years ago, at 26, I became a first time new car
>purchaser. I wish I had come across this site prior to
>purchasing the car. I was looking for something
>economical, yet reliable. I purchased none of either.
>within 6 months of owning my "new car", I had
>transmission problems. It was fixed and was follwed by
>stereo problems. The stereo would quit working and
>more often than none, ate my CDs and would not eject
>them. They "fixed" this a matter of 5 times in the
>first 6 months, including a replacement of the system
>when the player shot out a cd so hard it flew into the
>backseat. At my 8 month mile mark, my brakes were
>soft, and subsequently went bad. To make a long story
>short, they did a total of 17 repairs, including a rod
>knock in the engine in the 20 months I owned the car.
>I wish I had the knowledge then that I have now. I
>took the car for a trade in and the depreciation was
>just discusting. I purchased a Chrysler PT Cruiser in
>January of 05 and upon signing that loan, due to the
>depreciation, I had to add on an additional 8,500.00
>to the new loan to finish paying off the Spectra. This
>company should be forced to close down for their
>shoddy so called craftsmanship... and to think these
>are the kinds of capanies the government is trying to
>bail out...

And I've got a 2004.5 Spectra, 57K miles on it, and it's been the best new car I've ever owned in my life.

The few minor items needing repaired were taken care of by a professional stand-alone Kia dealership back by Kia's warranty.

I understand your frustration with buying a lemon, and the data online from the early 2000's and earlier appear to back up your claims. However the Kia's on the lots today have nearly NOTHING in common with the pre-Hyundai/Kia relationship designed car that you purchased in 2002.

The majority of Kia owners these days are pretty much happy campers from reviews on Edmunds.com, etc.


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