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Date Posted: 10:32:50 01/04/10 Mon
Author: christie
Subject: 2005 Kia Sedona Minivan

I have a 2005 Kia Sedona that is still 8 payments from being paid off. I do not have enough time or room here to tell you all the troubles I have had, from day one. I should have known when the sales person tried to change my price a the last minute...and the finance manager knowing I had a check in my hand chased me down in the p-lot to beg for my business, that there would be trouble. To make it short, the breaks, cv joints, boots are constant trouble. The air never works as it should. The wheel bearings have been replaced 4 times (now no longer a warranty item, of course). They even tried to tell me the 2nd time they were replaced that it was a wear and tear item, not covered by warranty. Bull. I have to fight with them every time something goes wrong. I was in an accident and 2 years later they can get the mechanical repairs right and cant go anywhere else cause only a 'certified' kia facility can do the repairs. All dealerships in my HUGE city have closed but one, giving them the power to push you around. Its a peice of poo...and a virtual death trap. They will rip you off!!!

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