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Rev. Franszwa (Call on His Name)
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Date Posted: 19:31:32 12/11/06 Mon

Power of Prayers
It is written and must be known.
You must know...with faith...Prayers will only be answered ( only if )
you ask in His Name. [ YAHWEH ] Matt 6:9
Our FATHER in Heaven Hollowed be your Name [ YAHWEH ]
and He wants you to use His Name [ YAHWEH ]
Why ? Read: 1Corinthians 8:5-6 also Exodus 3:14-15
John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must
worship in spirit and truth.
This is My Name forever.
Therefore Pray: read - Matthew 6:5-13 Psalms 83:18
Isaiah 12:2 and Isaiah 26:4
Exodus 6:2 Ecclesiastes 7:1
Exodus 9:16 1John 5:14-15
Call on His Name: Romans 10:13 Matthew 7:7-11
Act 2:21 Isaiah 12:4
Luke 11:9-13 Exodus 15:26
And it is through JESUS CHRIST we address our prayers
to our FATHER. 2Corinthians 1:2 Matthew 23:9

It is unmistakable clear that the Supreme Creator and Owner of the
Universe ( Holly SPIRIT) Dwells in every Believer in JESUS CHRIST read :
Your Choice of [ everlasting life or dead ] Read :1Corinthian 3:16-17
Are you not aware that you are The TEMPLE of GOD .
And that the SPIRIT of GOD dwells in you. And if anyone
destroys GODS Temple , GOD will destroy him.
For the Temple of GOD is Holy , and you are that Temple.
Read: 1Corinthians 6:9-10 and 6:15-20 also Romans 8:11
Act 7:48 and Act 17:24-25
Let no man ( deceive ) him self.
Now you don’t have to look for GOD faraway ,because
He is as close as your self. ( that is, if you accept His presence )
When you do accept, you will be the keeper of GODS Temple.
That means, you have to obey the house rules which is :
[ GODS Commandments ] to keep the Temple clean from the evil
of this world [ that is satan influence ] such as: in Leviticus 19:28
and 1Corinthians 6:6-10 and 1Corintians 7:8-11 etc.
Tell the World this GOOD NEWS read: Matthew 24:14
GOD will Bless you

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