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Subject: defiant 10 year old

Carla Spinozzi
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Date Posted: 09:58:45 05/21/03 Wed

Although I understand my son wants more independence I still expect him to be obedient and to be responsible for himself. I am a single happy Mom and I wonder if there was a male figure in the house if it would go easier sometimes.
Ex. Adam comes out of shower and towel is left on floor along with boxer shorts. I ask him to hang his towel up and his response is " Why do I have to do everything?" I want to respond with strangling him but I know this is unrealistic. I ask him again and he half heartily throws it on the hook for it to only fall off, all while complaining. We continue to struggle because I want him to listen to what I told him to do. The battle of the wills. He then throws the towel to me and tells me to hang it and he will put his shorts away. I was livid. His attitude, his defiance, his not even owning up to having both attitude and defiance. I get angry and try to have him admit he was wrong all the while telling him he is a Christian and asking him if his behavior reflects his Christianity. He looked at me as if I had three heads. He says, " I did not do anything wrong, you just get mad for nothing". And me the Mom can't let go of this because I just don't understand why he can't do the simple things, be kind and make our morning happy.
If he just did what I told him to do...
Please help me to understand how to respond to this behavior and his denial and thinking he did nothing wrong.
Carla Spinozzi

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