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And whatever you do, don't download anything from this site -- Alie, 02:44:01 01/26/02 Sat [1]
This spam has been posted to hundreds of boards under a lot of different names. They'll give you a backdoor trojan, definitely not sunglasses.
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COME ON PEOPLE! -- Kris, 16:49:46 01/20/02 Sun [1]
We have got to push this piece of crap spamm off of the board! So post and ramble on and on and on and on and on and on.. well you get the idea!
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Sunglasses? Anyone? -- Woc Man, 22:44:52 01/02/02 Wed [1]
Hi! Grab one free?? Cool!
~Woc Man
Enjoy your Holiday!
> Hi,
> ** Forward this to your friends before January 15th, 2002 **
> One of the world largest Sunglasses company is clearing stock.
> Get a pair of Sexy Metals Sunglasses model 2002 for free
> while stock last. Limited offer on first come first serve only.
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> Best wishes!
> Regards,
> WOC Fan Club
> Interested in free goodies?
> Join my mailing list: woc_mailling@yahoo.com
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hi -- Peter, 19:59:22 12/25/01 Tue [1]
i just wanna say thank you to alie for her email
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Am I the only one to post here? -- Kris, 02:29:05 12/17/01 Mon [1]
I think I am going through a mid life crisis ( so where's a young stud when you need one?). Oddly enough one manifestation of this seems to be an impatience with pop culture. I DON'T want to go to movies just coz EVERYONE has seen that one, last movie we saw was Hedwig and the Angry Inch at the local pub. I have stacks of books to read so what do I do? I go to the library and check out a Bio of Tennessee WIlliams. Such a sad man, But oddly Iunderstand him. I know what its like to want people around then suddenly push them away because they get on my nerves. I have the same desire to keep moving to look for someplace to make me happy.
Okay anywho I read a couple of his plays. I think I am tired of reading whodunits and books about "happy" people. I really enjoyed "The Glass Menagerie"..and the whole underlying theme to "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof"...
Now I have started Thomas Wolfe's "look Homeward, Angel". Wolfe was one of Williams' inspirations. I never have felt much like reading so called classics but I think the time is right for me to...
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I found this tonight.. -- Kris, 16:23:44 12/02/01 Sun [1]
The leader said Bono... dimwit that I am I thought "WHAT!? Sonny Bono's dead!" OKay, I will be fine once the meds kick in...
Anywho, its a petition calling for the creation of a vaccine for AIDS. I thought you all might be interested.
vaccine petition
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Thought to come here to say hi, so hi, heheh -- Peter - ., 18:32:40 11/29/01 Thu [6]
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Well okay I give up... -- Kris, 09:22:45 11/16/01 Fri [1]
I gave up on the Walt Whitman book. The only thing WORSE than a man who denies his subjects sexuality is a man who grasps at EVERY little straw to prove his subjects sexuality! Now I am not denying Whitman's homosexuality, I am just saying that there is not enough information about it to write a 350 page book. And what info he had was really boring. I think it all boils down to: read Leaves of Grass and make your own decision...
And for the non Americans out there.. Whitman was a mid 19th century American poet who caused quite a stir in 1855 or so by publishing a volume of erotic, at least for the time, poems.
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Another book -- Kris, 01:06:24 11/11/01 Sun [3]
Actually I am raeding about 5 books right now.. well okay not THIS very minute!
TCHAIKOVSKY by Anthony Holden-- what a sad man and I don't necessarily mean the composer. I think Holden is a closet homophobe. He can't seem to refer to Tchaikovsky's homosexuality as anything but tragic. And in a way it was..
it was thing Tchiakovsky feared the most in himself. Holden also just can't seem to think that the composer may have died of cholera picked up from a street prostitute or that he may have committed suicide, despite spending 350 pages documenting Tchaikovsky's eccentric moods and wildly abberant behavior during times of stress. And Tchaikovsky did try to commit suicide in 1877 after he realized that getting married was a REALLY bad idea.
WALT WHITMAN: A GAY LIFE by Gary Schmidgall-- just starting this one....
PETER THE GREAT by Robert Massie-- almost a biography of Russia itself
AABIGAIL ADAMS by Natalie Bober-- I am tired of listening to Ms Bober apologize for a strong, opinionated woman.
SMALL GODS by Terry Pratchett-- best commentator on pop culture you'll ever find....
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A book -- Daniel., 19:54:52 10/30/01 Tue [5]
I have a book report yet again... I dunno if you guys hate me doing this, but since I hear nothing to the contrary (perhaps your silence should speak louder to me than words??) I will continue...
"One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest"
I went into this book with some reluctance, at the behest of my boyfriend. It was a book that I'd always thought I should read as opposed to a book I'd always wanted to read.
Yet having read it I can say I am very impressed. It was hard at first, simply because of the way the Chief speaks... But it really is a very sad book (I've always been a fan of a tear jerker) and though it was tragic, it was not to the point of being disturbed.
I must say I found the symbolism in the book quite strange at times... I didn't quite get all the talk of fog, and the Chief's dreams. I did however appreciate the combine metaphor that was the root of the books' message.
I found myself through the whole book feeling sorry for McMurphy. Not because of the horrors committed towards him, but because of his naiivety.
Anyways... Good book! I'm glad my boyfriend made me read it :)
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Double -- Daniel., 19:30:35 10/30/01 Tue [3]
It's really quite strange but you see my boyfriend has a double... I'm serious! I should first explain my boy: He's Equadorian.... Half Equadorian to be exact, but he's fucking hot! (even though his father is ugly as sin...) Anyways, he has dark skin and lovely eyes and he wears glasses...
So we were dancing at the local club and I noticed this other guy... He's a little shorter, but just to look at their faces... Man! They're not exactly identical... But the basic structure is a similar.... And more than that, this guy just reminds me of my boy. And not just coz he has the identicle glasses either...
It's something about his presence... The frown that longs to turn upside down.
I told my boy about how I thought they looked alike. He thought I was doing one of those "we all look alike" things.... But I couldn't dare tell him about this last thing...
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Just one thing.... -- Daniel, 19:18:46 10/30/01 Tue [4]
I know I've no one to blame but myself.... But you see I can't seem to find any of the old sites I used to know and love :( Comicality?? Wolf's Lair?? Where have you gone...?? All I can find is Marc's page (even he stopped broadcasting here) and none of his links go ANYWHERE! So where has it all gone...?? Am I like ten years out of sync with the rest of the ether or has everyone just packed it in...? I guess I just took it for granted they'd always be there...
Strange, because I always swore I'd never take anything for granted....
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Just came by for my monthly -- <:) eD/dUCK, 18:57:45 10/07/01 Sun [3]
Q U A C K !!!
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Well once again it's been more than a month... -- Daniel., 21:09:01 10/02/01 Tue [1]
But here I am again....
If someone was to tell be two years ago that one day I'd be involved in running a gay youth-group I'd have laughed in their face. But this is exactly what I'm doing now.... God, it's scarey :) The first time I did it I almost shat my entrails hehehe.... It's really just a whole lot of games, and a light hearted discussion.... But we do try to be educative too (ie: HIV issues, coming out issues, etcetera).
Other than that I'm working, loving my boyfriend, being told off for working too much (jokes), trying to save so I can move out of home :)
And am I the only person on the face of this planet that thought AI was a good (if somewhat depressing) movie?? Honestly the critics trashed it for being long and uneventful, and then they go and give The English Patient 9 freaken oscars...??
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This is WAY cool! -- Kris, 15:50:25 09/29/01 Sat [2]
For those of you that hadn't heard: my Mom died on the 8th of Sept. My Dad got a call yesterday from Weber State University here in Ogden and they have decided to award Mom her degree posthumously. She had to stop going in 1997 when her health started to deteriorate. She was three credits from completion. The University President is going to waive those credits and present Dad with her degree!
I think that is SO COOL! I just wish she could see it.....
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Dont hit the enter key when you want the shift,..... -- Kris, 13:15:24 09/15/01 Sat [3]
Anyway I just installed AIM so if anyone out there wants to talk I am at dragonakakris...
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I just installed AIM. -- k, 13:10:41 09/15/01 Sat [1]
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I DID IT! I DID IT! I DID IT! -- Kris, 09:41:49 08/30/01 Thu [1]
I FINALLY finished reading "Sexual Variance in History and Society!!!!! Threetimes the charm! Actually I enjoyed it a lot, I guess the time was right.
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It's the little victories that count! -- Kris, 04:50:26 08/20/01 Mon [3]
I AM DOWN 10 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dunno what that is for you metric folks, it adds up to one pants size smaller!!!!! I can wear the 501 that my hubby bought me for Christmas... damn things shrunk a size when I washed them... that'll teach me to buy shrink to fit!
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Be gone you spamoid beeaatch!! :) -- Daniel., 19:38:06 08/23/01 Thu [1]
Tiddings once again....
And so once again our winter comes to a close (horray!!) Now it's nothing but sun (I won't pretend there'll be a tan involved with that coz I'm white as dog-shit!), surf and smiles all round.....
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Present-day daily joys -- hot Salieri, 04:09:55 08/09/01 Thu [3]
So while I was fighting with this bookshelf that kept falling over I was getting really hot. I looked at the thermometer. It said 99, that is 37.22 Celsius. (My record is 104.) I decided I was not going to stand it any longer. I went out and bought an air conditioner. It's my second air conditioner. The first one I had mail-ordered, -- it turned out to be so big and heavy that I didn't dare to hang it off the flimsy windows in my bedroom. I put that first one in the kitchen instead where it now sits on a pile of bricks that sit on the fire escape. Every now and then I walk into my kitchen and drink a cup of coffee and feel cool. My coolness didn't extend into my bedroom though, which I guess is a funny thing to say when you think about it. The new air conditioner is somewhat smaller, also, I had meanwhile gotten so hot that any thoughts of air conditioners dropping three floors and causing indentations in the heads of unsuspecting passers-by started to loose their preventive appeal. Drained in sweat I installed my newest acquisition, switched it on, and sank onto my bed in total bliss. It worked. It got cool. It was like music. Rather loud music, I haste to add. But hey, finally I don't need to listen to the car alarm of the guy across the street anymore that goes off (the alarm) whenever somebody walks by. It also took me a while before I noticed a subtle beeping somewhat nearer. The UPS for my computer informed me that there was not enough power to keep the computer going, it could only supply battery power for so much longer. I suspect that this has something to do with the fact that my $1,000-per-month apartment runs on a single electric circuit. But perhaps the UPS was getting old and its batteries were all drained. I went out and bought another UPS. It wouldn't work at all, at least not when connected to not-grounded outlets, which is all I have except in the kitchen. This was a bit of a bummer. I have to choose: do I want to be cool, or do I want to do work on the computer, like surfing the net and such. For now the thermometer doesn't leave me much of a choice. With all that extra time at hand I went out and bought a vacuum. It doesn't need a UPS. I can work non-stop and stay cool all the same. I never knew how much fun it is to vacuum. I vacuumed everything, floor, bed, chair, bookshelves, door knob. Even the pitch-dark screen of my computer monitor. I bet when the heat is over I'll have a superb viewing experience. But for now I happily enjoy my vacuum.
I knew you all were dying to know! :-)
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