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Date Posted: 04:21:21 08/12/01 Sun
Author: <:) Duck/Ed
Subject: Geez I only have one air conditioner and two computers but they all can operate at the same time if I don't use the microwave. I can shut the air and use the microwave but not with the toaster oven - I have four vacuums two handheld whoops 5 3 handheld one is recharable - a self propelled one - but ya got to steer the damn thing and one wet dry - THEY ALL REMAIN DORMANT AS DOES THE DUCK!!...
In reply to: hot Salieri 's message, "Present-day daily joys" on 05:09:55 08/09/01 Thu

If your ever in Los Angeles feel free to drop on by and vacuum - although it might require some substantial heavy duty moving of this and that in order to find the appropriate territory where my multitutde of cleaning devices would have an effect. Did i mention that my air conditioner is remote controlled I can turn it on and off and set the temperature and the fan speed and it tells me the temperature inside and outdoors. I'm a sucker for remote controls - while at the goodwill the otherday they had some brand new 16" pedastal fans ALL WITH REMOTE CONTROL AND FOR ONLY $10.00 EACH - $35 at the store so I BOUGHT THREE!! NOW MY AIRCONDITIONER HAS COMPANY I THINK I CAUGHT IT WINKING AT THE HOLMES REMOTE CONTROLLED FAN THE OTHER DAY - But live and let live as long as it keeps me kool I should care what it does with its refrigerated hormones. Did I forget to include the two 52inch 5 blade 3 speed reversible ceiling fans - unfortunately they are not remote controlled - but they are so well behaved and quiet - that I tolerate that minor imposition.

I read your post and found it fascinating. When I was finished reading it - I had absolutely nothing to say - however being the duck that I am - I manager to truly say nothing and use a few hundred words to do it. I'M A KEWL DUCK (THANKS TO MY 5 FANS AND AIRCONDITIONER).

QUACK QUACK - nice to hear from you sal

be good and be happy cause the duck said so!!

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