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Subject: How to make a guaranteed $1500 with Paypal

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Date Posted: 17:46:54 01/01/17 Sun

$1500 GUARANTEE – MORE IF YOU WANT IT! Please allow me to make this short and sweet… If you need to get your hands on a lot of money as quickly as possible, the following simple plan will do it for you in just a few days – GUARANTEED! SMALL ONE TIME COST, FAST MONEY, AND A VERY HIGH RESPONSE RATE! Just follow the directions below and in only ONE weeks time, you will receive approximately $20,000 in cash deposited into your Paypal account – GUARANTEED! This plan is working out great due to the low investment and the high profit potential. All you have to do is send ten dollars ($10) to one (1) person. That’s all! Get ready to be surprised at just how well this plan works! Here are the simple directions. Log into your paypal account, and send $10 to the first email address that is listed in Position One on the list below. Paypal will ask you to select ‘Type’, select ‘Service’ and put ‘$10.00 – E-Report’ for the subject. (When the person in Position One receives notification of your payment, they will reply with ads you can use to promote this plan.) Remember, only the first person’s email address receives $10.00 from you. After completing this transaction, remove that person’s email address from the list and move the other email address listed in Position Two to Position One. Now add your own email address (make sure it is the exact same one you use for your paypal account) to Position Two. After you have cut and pasted the email addresses into their new positions, send this email letter to as many people as possible immediately! When your email address reaches the first position, (in about two or three days!), it will be your turn to receive the $10 payments. They will be sent to your Paypal account by roughly 2,000 people. They are 2,000 people just like you, who are willing to invest $10 in order to get a return of $20,000 in about a week! Because there are only two names on the list, you can expect your payments to come in incredibly fast. Most people spend more than $10 on lottery tickets every week, with little hope of ever winning more than a few dollars – this plan guarantees you will receive much more than that! Some people have even said that this program is an answer to a prayer, because it works, period. Ready to get started? Just follow these simple directions:
Step 1: Send the person in Position One $10 by paypal. If you don’t have a paypal account, you can open one by clicking here: www.paypal.com (Paypal will even GIVE you $5.00 to open an account with them!)
Position One: saniyaismyheart@gmail.com
Position Two: maddmook@gmail.com
Integrity and honestly make this plan work. Currently, participants in this plan have been receiving a whopping 80% return! The majority of participants have reported receiving deposits ranging from a low of $15,000 to a high of $22,000! After doing this program just once, you will KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT that it WORKS! You will not be disappointed, in fact you will be stunned at the amount of money that will soon be deposited into your account. So, any time you find yourself needing some cash, just mail this out to 500,000 or more people. NOTHING beats this program for generating fast cash! The bottom line: 1. Send out one email 2. Watch a lot of money coming into your paypal account 3. Enjoy your cash! Here are some comments from people who are already participating: “It’s only $10, what can it hurt? $10! I’m game!” johannalasell@shaw.ca “I’ve done one of these before, and although I only got $9,260 back, for $10 down, WOW!” Johngold@london-gold.com “I got your email! YOU ROCK! I sent it out to all of our frat brothers… and while I haven’t seen my $20 grand yet, I’m up to $8,282. Hook me up when you run this program again…” Tony Stevens, Vandenberg AFB, CA “My second day I had $4,600. I am going to send more emails.” Jason – Australia. “Hey! This is Mary. I only have one thing to say to you… OH MY GOD! I sent out the emails like you said and went on vacation. When I got back, my account was up to over $12,000! I owe you!” Mary Gathers, Columbia, SC “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” Judithd_11_11@hotmail.com “I did not want to do this, and a friend said he would give me the $10.00 if I lost… Amazingly I got $4,760 in only 6 days” “I wanted to share this with you because it is truly working for me!! I sent it out to 40 people and already I got back $270…” “This does work. I signed up and I’m nobody’s fool!” – Julieg@from-the-couch.co.uk “Lets go for it. When it works, I will be a happy camper!” – stevedeep2@hotmail.com In order to get the $1500 value guaranteed in the heading, email the person in Position #2, and I will send you the details of how to get this bonus – and how to offer it to ALL of your customers, at next to no cost to you! If you can give away $1500 of somebody else’s money, you will succeed in this!

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