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Date Posted: 12:33:01 08/31/03 Sun
Author: Mark Boyle
Subject: Re: To Bob Geldof
In reply to:
's message, "Re: To Bob Geldof" on 10:49:21 08/31/03 Sun
Viz Comic is a national institution in the United Kingdom. It was the first "adult" comic, sort of The Beano or The Dandy for grown-ups that didn't want to be grown-up. Some of its characters include:
Finbarr Saunders: The lad whom can spot double entendres in the most harmless of conversations - very much in the Carry On Film/Monty Python "Nudge Nudge, Wink Wink" mould.
The Modern Parents: If you have ever been driven up the wall by the more self-satisfied of the New Age/Environmentally Aware/Neo-Pagan types on the planet, you will love this one, as every issue their long suffering son Tarquin manages to put one over his anally retentive mother Cessida & father Malcolm.
The Critics: Done by the same cartoonist as The Modern Parents, this time about two pretentious art critics.
Ferdinand The Foodie: Again same cartoonist. About a wannabe gastronomic expert - very apt considering the way these twats like Nigella Lawson & Jamie Theakston have been elevated to God & Sex Symbol status over the last few years by the British middle classes.
Gilbert Rachett: Boy Inventor of all sorts of things (predating "Dexter's Lab" by a decade!), which frequently go wrong...
Sid The Sexist: Brain Dead Jack The Lad wannabe who is to women what Jaws is to seaside holidays - resulting in him landing up in hospital at the end of most episodes
Roger Mellie: The Man on the Telly. Ever wondered what Jonathan Ross or Johnny Carson are REALLY like off camera...
Roger Irrelevant: Some have criticised him for supposedly making fun of schizophrenics. His surreal comments & actions will appeal to those that find more off the wall humour funny (ie. not Geldof - remembering what he said about They Might Be Giants!)
The Kewl Chix: Three teenage girls with more money than braincells (or rather their parents have) or vocabulary. Make Alicia Silverstone on "Clueless" look like Einstein reincarnate!
Mrs Brady - Old Lady : Moaning pensioner always going on about the good old days & how everything was cheaper & better than today...
Student Grant - Pretentious Uni student who thinks students should get everything for free & likely to have a stroke before he ever does a stroke...
If you ever see a copy of the Toy Dolls album "A Far Out Disc", you will see several of the Viz Comic characters of the period on the cover.
"Viz", incidentally, was the abbreviation that was used until "e.g." became the norm. It's short for "videlicet".
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Re: To Bob Geldof -- Jules, 13:54:47 08/31/03 Sun
>Viz Comic is a national institution in the United
>Kingdom. It was the first "adult" comic, sort of The
>Beano or The Dandy for grown-ups that didn't want to
>be grown-up. Some of its characters include:
>Finbarr Saunders: The lad whom can spot double
>entendres in the most harmless of conversations - very
>much in the Carry On Film/Monty Python "Nudge Nudge,
>Wink Wink" mould.
Thanks for the reminder about Viz, not read it in years. I enjoyed that. Franna you may find it on the internet and some samples if you do a search???
>The Modern Parents: If you have ever been driven up
>the wall by the more self-satisfied of the New
>Age/Environmentally Aware/Neo-Pagan types on the
>planet, you will love this one, as every issue their
>long suffering son Tarquin manages to put one over his
>anally retentive mother Cessida & father Malcolm.
>The Critics: Done by the same cartoonist as The Modern
>Parents, this time about two pretentious art critics.
>Ferdinand The Foodie: Again same cartoonist. About a
>wannabe gastronomic expert - very apt considering the
>way these twats like Nigella Lawson & Jamie Theakston
>have been elevated to God & Sex Symbol status over the
>last few years by the British middle classes.
>Gilbert Rachett: Boy Inventor of all sorts of things
>(predating "Dexter's Lab" by a decade!), which
>frequently go wrong...
>Sid The Sexist: Brain Dead Jack The Lad wannabe who is
>to women what Jaws is to seaside holidays - resulting
>in him landing up in hospital at the end of most
>Roger Mellie: The Man on the Telly. Ever wondered what
>Jonathan Ross or Johnny Carson are REALLY like off
>Roger Irrelevant: Some have criticised him for
>supposedly making fun of schizophrenics. His surreal
>comments & actions will appeal to those that find more
>off the wall humour funny (ie. not Geldof -
>remembering what he said about They Might Be Giants!)
>The Kewl Chix: Three teenage girls with more money
>than braincells (or rather their parents have) or
>vocabulary. Make Alicia Silverstone on "Clueless" look
>like Einstein reincarnate!
>Mrs Brady - Old Lady : Moaning pensioner always going
>on about the good old days & how everything was
>cheaper & better than today...
>Student Grant - Pretentious Uni student who thinks
>students should get everything for free & likely to
>have a stroke before he ever does a stroke...
>If you ever see a copy of the Toy Dolls album "A Far
>Out Disc", you will see several of the Viz Comic
>characters of the period on the cover.
>"Viz", incidentally, was the abbreviation that was
>used until "e.g." became the norm. It's short for
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Re: To Bob Geldof -- Catherine, 19:17:43 08/31/03 Sun
Obsessive/Obsession/Obsessed - the letter collecting spree to prove a point. More letters as he takes another turn realising his mistake, more when he endeavours to amend and befriend it, more as he gains sympathy for his flailing efforts, more as he apologises, and more again as he removes himself from the situation entirely; supposing that one will just understand.
Of the people he 'won' in the process? Those convinced certainly had no qualms in treating me as a crazy obsessive fan (some even got hooked on the rewards). One in particular was of a dimension that requires medication and supervision and had neither.
You could imagine what that was doing to my children.
That's the neverland - Being treated as something you are not. Obsessed - Having to work out what in God's name was going on, finding him and telling him to quit it, that the experience is nothing short of horrendous, that his position cannot possibly be as important as three kids security and, given that he gradually closed through this process (of logic) and probably doesn't remember anything, thus, having got what he wanted, he definitely owes me money. Grief? Having to tell him so in front of others.
Furthermore, if he is to be exposed then he will ensure that I will be too - for I've not thanked him enough for his good deeds. In turn, given religion of any nature, he owes Fritz MacIntyre an apology and a very big thankyou.
Whilst I only want to thank Fritz and hope that this content remains ours.
Yours sincerely,
I've not checked my email - gotta' go.
See ya'
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Re: To Bob Geldof -- The Random Shoggy, 14:53:54 09/01/03 Mon
"Whilst I only want to thank Fritz and hope that this content remains ours.
Yours sincerely,
Pah, my pesky cat is becalmed up that old oak tree. Wibble wibble. G'zoft.
Don't play games with me Ginelli! Where have you hidden the sink unit?
Well your infernal meddling won't work. Those sprockets are mine, MINE, do you hear me!
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Re: To Bob Geldof -- franna, 08:59:15 09/01/03 Mon
Apologies for the double-post earlier.
Mark - Many thanks for the detailed explanation; and Jules - I'll see what I can find.
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