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Date Posted: 08:37:15 09/03/03 Wed
Author: Cathy
Subject: ARMS

I only needed a friend to confide in. I needed to tell someone that when I flew to Sydney in May I actually looked around and went to the hotel where I feared the 'Michael' wasn't faring well. More than this, I needed someone to appreciate the significance in that and hear me out since I was not terribly comfortable about it. I'd not written anything until I got home.

Emerging from the heady and long winded journal New Year '98 I put together the project and set about studying Psychology; I'd been unwell and was suffering a little from fatigue, I'd tried but going back to work was too difficult.

Psychology was a bit of a drag, easy to understand but too slow and arduous a task for me to sit and study. I tend to research and theorise. The project was easy and quick - I find Humanitarian & Relief issues interesting. I don't plan long term steps to resolving. I resolve and plan long term effects.

Soon enough I needed money to feed mouths and keep a roof over our heads. With money the kids and I could pick up where we left off. It was surprising and delightful to awake one day realising that I had exactly what was needed - more importantly, that I could sell my plan or perhaps have the opportunity to work with it. Either prospect brought me relief, happiness and immense satisfaction.

Upon further thought, a letter to Paula in August '00. Then her death in September, just prior to my daughter, the little white girl with gold ringlets, making an 'appearance' with Black Australia in the closing ceremony of Olympics 2000 (journal '97), and the release of 'Just A Man'.

I was very sad about Paula - the rest didn't matter a great deal. I had just discovered that a lady, by the name of Christina Noble, actually existed. It was an awakening of sorts, here I was all these years thinking she was just a dream.

Jesus, a week in Vietnam sifting through the trash heap would be a holiday after what I've done.

Did I tell you that I picked up an injured and bleeding man on a crowded wharf in San Francisco? That I clothed and housed a homeless man there too? Did you know I solved and secured a hapless victim of Bi Polar Disorder? Or that I called bluff on an aggressive two-faced drug using little prick by threatening him with schizophrenia if he didn't study Law.

All that we mind,

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