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Date Posted: 11:40:37 12/03/10 Fri
Author: Jeffman
Subject: Re: Catching up--sorta
In reply to: shirley 's message, "Catching up--sorta" on 18:07:00 11/26/10 Fri

Sorry to hear about all the stuff your family is having to go through. Seems like 'it never rains but pours' is a true statement at your house.

Things are fine here. Im finally getting my daughter back to college with hopes that she will do better this time. If not she will need to get a job and move out on her own.

My son is finishing High school and has already joined the Marines. He is going in as a 'Cryptologic Linguist'. Si basic training and then a couple of years in California going to school. The debt snowball is just about completed and by January we will be debt free. That puts us in a better position in case times get really hard. (and they arent there yet)

Merry Christmas to all of you!!!

>It's been a busy year and it's not over. I finally
>have a date for my first hip replacement--Jan. 12.
>It's taken a year working for a solution and hundreds
>of tests. Our youngest daughter who lives with us
>with her 10-year-old son will have a hysterectomy Dec.
>20. She collapsed in my surgeons office a month ago.
>She had five nurses attending her in short notice.
>Come to find out, her hemoglobin count was 5 and
>should have been 12 so she's been on strong iron meds
>after receiving two transfusions in the ER. It will
>be performed via a robot. I don't know when the
>second hip replacement will take place but after that,
>it's knee replacement surgery.
>Our youngest son who had the crush injury after a run
>in with a fork life is engaged in mediation talks with
>the insurance company, He'll have to wear a carbon
>fibre insole the rest of his life. His 12-year-old
>will have a consult with a surgeon Dec. 1. He has
>dwarfism. The decision whether or not to have bone
>lengthening surgery was left to him. He had a consult
>two weeks ago and before they can do that surgery, he
>has to have spinal surgery because x-rays revealed his
>spinal malformation was worse so that will involve
>straightening an S curve in his spine. He's been on
>arthritis meds for over a year due to severe bowing of
>his legs.
>After he recovers from the spinal surgery, he'll have
>bone lengthening of one thigh and the opposite calf.
>Next will come doing the opposite legs. Then will
>come lengthening of one lower arm and the opposite
>upper arm and after that, doing the remaining arm.
>Doctors estimate he'll gain 4-5 inches in height.
>He's presently 3'6". Seems he's got a long, painful
>journey ahead of him. Shriner's Hospital is doing all
>the surgery, thank God. This is going to be an
>expensive process but when he was born, there wasn't
>much hope that he'd live beyond his first birthday.
>And he's wildly popular at school, despite his size.
>It's going to be busy time around here but better to
>get it done during the winter when there's not much
>activity and then be able to enjoy the warmer weather.
>So if I'm MIA, you'll know why.

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  • Sometimes it happens like that -- Paul Davis, 07:41:49 12/04/10 Sat
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