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Date Posted: 18:25:40 07/10/11 Sun
Author: shirley
Subject: Re: Just a comment on the budget arguements
In reply to: Paul Davis 's message, "Just a comment on the budget arguements" on 07:09:05 06/05/11 Sun

I'm so disgusted with the whole scene in DC that I turn off the news more often to not. The Republican party has been taken over by a bunch of idiot tea partiers, more interested in making headlines and creating chaos. Where are the old line Repulicans, some of whom were regarded as statesmen? Why are they pleadging allegiance to such nut cases?

Yes, the debt crisis has to be faced and dealt with but in a realistic, sure-footed manner. What better way ti deal with the standoff than withhold paychecks until the pols get down to business and perform the job to which they were elected.

How about we save SS and Medicare by giving back all the money they've stolen, both parties? They've treated it as their own personal piggy bank! We need to get out of Iraq and AFghanistan and rebuild America. No one else is going to do it.

An aside, I'll go in the another surgery the first of Sept. to replace the other hip. The pain has been excruciating in that hip and has made therapy difficult, if not impossible. Thankfully my therapist is a kind but encouraging young man I'd like to adopt.

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