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Date Posted: 13:22:45 10/02/11 Sun
Author: MaryAnne
Subject: Re: Well, you have a couple choices
In reply to: Jeffman 's message, "Re: Well, you have a couple choices" on 05:04:22 10/02/11 Sun

Glad to know both of you are working. I know it is tough all over.

My Son has been working 7 days a week since the first of the year. People on the floor are doing worse. 12/14 hours a day. Connected with the auto companies. Hard to quit when you are just a few years short of retirement.

I lost my Health Insurance in the bankruptcy thing. The Government refused to honor the contract.They would not give the money that had been negotiated.So the Union put us on Medicare Advantage at no cost and little loss,except for visual and we had Doctor co-pay.

Now the Union has gotten the first payment and is restoring our Health care and most of the benefits.

Unions have faults, but we are going in the hole without them.Members have been giving back for years.The days of decent pay is over with. While the CEO's get 23 million.(That is what Wagoner was drawing down while GM made no profit at all since 2004.) He and Hutchinson are both gone and you see how quick the company is coming back.

Moribund management that would not listen to the Designers and Engineers were the problem,Along with some lazy workers who killed it for all.

We can only hope the Wall street thing will work for you guys, no matter what side you are on. We need to hang together,instead of pulling apart.
Good luck to both of you.Not sure whether you were on Slate,but the boards died this week.So all of us are posting on a new board called Political Jack.

I won the contest this month. Not sure how,but it is worth a couple hundred bucks in Gift cards to places like Best Buy. I need a new printer,Scanner.

Best to both of you.

Shirley was going to have more surgery.Have not heard from her.Hope she is coming along fine.

>>So far my head is still above water, so I don't have
>>as much to complain about as some others.
>Doing just fine. I was prepared in that all my bills
>except the house are paid off. I have no credit cards,
>car payments, etc etc. And we are trying diligently to
>pay off the house by making an extra payment each
>However the corporation where I work is taking
>advantage of this time where there are more workers
>than jobs and as such, where I work is no longer a
>GREAT place to work. There are no perks anymore and
>they treat people like crap. Its a job. I make good
>money. When the economy rebounds you are going to hear
>the loudest sucking sound as everyone leaves in droves
>for better places to work.
>Both my wife and I are keeping our eyes open for a
>better place to work and if it comes up we are gone
>from where we work today

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