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Date Posted: 18:02:00 03/18/12 Sun
Author: Shirley
Subject: Re: Hey, I'm back online again! And still in one piece!
In reply to: Greg 's message, "Re: Hey, I'm back online again! And still in one piece!" on 15:17:41 03/18/12 Sun

>Maybe better than a ghost of a chance; but got to
>admit it's a pretty poor selection. Probably next
>election before the next generation comes out strong.

I always listen to Fareed Zakaria on CNN on Sundays (noon here)and today, he utterly destroyed Grover Norquist in his calm, easy going manner. All of Norquist's assumptions are based on having a Republican president, House and Senate. I don't see that happening. I think many of the tea party crowd is going to get kicked out, especially the far right. Their views are just too extreme and the latest example is the fight over contraceptives. The majority of the country lies in the middle. I would like to see the Republican party restore itself rather than being taken over by extremists. Whether or not they'll have a chance in 2016 depends up that or instead, you're going to see a third party having a stronger role. Personally, I like Buddy Roemer.....that is, after Obama. I think he deserves a chance to finish what he's started and that is a recovery.

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  • Re: Hey, I'm back online again! And still in one piece! -- Paul Davis, 20:54:32 03/19/12 Mon
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