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Date Posted:11:47:43 12/10/08 Wed In reply to:
's message, "Starship Troopers and other clips" on 08:18:42 11/26/08 Wed
>I recently picked up Starship Troopers 3 on DVD and
>was thinking of posting some clips of it on the site.
>Seems someone has already done it, as well as a lot
>Check out Youtube and just put in Amanda Donohoe into
>the search field. Of special interest is her
>appearance with Rik Mayall on Briefest Encounter.
>Someone has posted what appears to be the whole
>episode in 6 parts. I think this is the hottest she
>has ever looked and a good showcase for her comic
>skills. Sadly, Starship Troopers is not.
>>What you won't see by looking under "Amanda Donohoe" on YouTube is the complete "Lair of the White Worm" w/ our Amanda as Lady Sylvia Marsh. That can be found only by looking under the title of the film at the website. It comes in eleven parts from 10:35 for the first part to 1:18 for the last part.
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