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Date Posted: 20:17:38 08/12/02 Mon
Author: Jekoyami
Subject: Starting off the advventuree..

OOC Here is the starting post. ^^ Don't hurt me!

IC: The jackel-hound stood, streaching, her lilthe black fur bristling over her body. Opening a sharp-toothed mouth, Jeko blinked twice. She was clad in nothing but a ragged, torn and dirty black rag, though rings, bangles necklaces covered fher from head to foot, in a mannor of speaking.. Her hair was a deep brown and thrown across her face at random getting in her eyes.

Jekoyami was the only daughter to a god, making her in turn somewhat of a goddess. Though the girl did not show as a goddess in the normal sense. No, her eyes did not glow wth innoccence, but the sapphire orbs burned with hatered, gleamed their cleverness. Jekoyami was the daughter, the one and only sibling of the great god Anubis.

Daughter of a great god, daughter of mother unknown, Jekoyami was everything a girl wasn't. Oh yes, of course she was beautiful, her feminine beauty amazed her father, but at the same time, she was a warrior. Dressed usually in the best cloth, the finest jewels, Jekomiya was a funny little thing. Able to tame the raging Ammut, whose rage was of great annoyance to her father, if only for a short while, with a handtouch, Jekoyami was a funny little thing.

Her long ears bristled suddenly, her accute hearing picking up something on the breeze. Looking down suddenly, she spotted the source, a dustrat. Smiling softly, Jekoyami reached out a long hand and picked up the rat by it's tail, swing it slowly from side to side.

It amused her to watch the rat try so vainly to get away, to save its own life, that the girl placed it down again, watching it burrow into the sand ferevertly.

The balance, the eternal cycle.. these thoughts flashed through her head again, but she dismissed the, her mission clear in her mind. Her bangles glinted in the Egyptian sun as she swunng her short tail from side to side, contemplating her situation.

I will go and try to find the Feather, she thought automatically, her inbred stubboness getting the better of her. Of course, Anubis wishes for it to be returned, and as soon as it is returned to him.. the braclet of his will be mine, as well as the army like me.. and then..

Stepping across the hot sand, Jekoyami made her way to the small oiasis. Bathing herself, she closed her eyes and underwent the makeover, knowing that she would end the races of all but jackel and candid on the earth.

Point- Jekoyami wants to get the Feather of Truth back for her father. Once she succeds, she will take command of the Army Of Anubis, because wherever the feather is, the braclet will be. Her plan is to destroy the earth. She must be stopped. (dramatic music)

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