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Forbidden Depths and Sea of Fury's Cavern

Branching off from the dark passages of F&B's Lair, a light red tunnel catches your eye. You sense that you should not be following this tunnel, but curiousity gets the best of you. Your talons pull you through the tunnel and you hear sharp hisses and snatches of words, like a long lost conversation... Curiousity kills... You shudder and get the feeling you should turn back. Eyes seem to stare out at you from the shadows and a low snicker is sounded. You back away like you have just touched a hot rock, or hit a cool spot in a presumablely haunted house. A low hiss catches your ears and you turn around. A deep turquoise male stares at you with dark eyes. He snorts and casts a glance to where the the first sound came from. You turn around, only to spot a sea blue male staring at you with equally dark eyes. He snorts and speaks.

Curious you are... You are either very brave or very stupid to venture out here... Tis not pleasant here for weaklings... I am Sea of Fury, beware I am not a merciful dragon.

A hissing laughs echoes behind you and turn your head again. The turquoise shrugs slightly and grins.

What? He isn't exactly the most indimidating guy...

The turquoise grins again, pulling himself u pto his full height. Slightly taller than his brother, he does look more threatening, although the sea blue is looking quite frightening at the moment. Sea of Fury snarls and snaps at his thinner, but taller brother. He was built more for power, not for speed, although he was quick. The turquoise grins and snaps playfully at you.
By the way, I'm Forbidden Depths....

The dragons both smirk and walk further down the tunnel to a large open space, still closed in though. Two beds of moss and other material are made on opposite sides of the room, each obviously on the side of the male who sleeps in the bed. The turquise male slinks to the left side of the room and you pause to look at all the things that are somehow secured to the wall. Several dragon scales and dragon teeth are on the wall, each with a name underneath, or a marking of somekind. Above the bed of the turquoise is a ice blue chunk of earth. You think, and realize it must be a piece of the ice plain this dragon's egg was stranded on. The males sword is proped up against the wall, in it's hilt of deep turquoise. Other strange objects catch your eye, but you do not question there origin or being. The bag of red dragon hide catches your eye and you shudder. One of the gaurds that ruined his life, you suppose. The other side of the room is nearly identical, but is has slightly more odd items, and the sword is placed on a shelf of marble, it's hilt a sea blue. The males gold bag is hanging on a large unicorn like horn on the wall, which you think must be one of the males younger horns, for his horns at the present are twice the size. You look around the room in awe and then jump as you hear a low hiss at your feet. You look around wildly and see both dragons to far away to have made the noise. You look down and start in surpise as you see a small dragon nymph, still growing for it is not as large as a dragons egg. It shimmers silver and hisses agian. Obviously, it is the two dragons pet. The sea blue looks up lazily and speaks.

Oh, I see you've met Druid. He's actually quite dangerous, so just ignore him and he'll leave...

Having ha dquite enough for today, you turn and exit the cave....

:~:Masters of the Cave:~:
Sea of Fury - Fire
Forbidden Depths - Ice

Lost Darkness
Star Shadow
Hell Singer
Trance's Fury

Lost Darkness & Star Shadow's Hidden Caves

Trance's Retreat

F&B's Lair

Saber's Edge

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