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Date Posted: 20:58:43 09/18/02 Wed
Author: Ember
Subject: Once again she thanks those above for blessing her with a red hide.....
In reply to: Forbidden Depths 's message, "-Continues-" on 18:06:07 09/18/02 Wed

She shrugs delicate shoulders. No real reason, she replies, none to convincing. She heaves a sigh, knowing that she couldn't lie worth beans and she didn't want to lie to him anyways, even if he were to laugh at her or pity her.

I never was any good at lying. That was always Ashes specialty, she says with a sad smile. She refuses to meet his eyes, but she continues to speak, amazed at how easy it was to tell him the truth. Then again, this was Depths.

I asked because I wanted to know if I'd ever have a chance. I know I'm much younger than you, not to mention way smaller. I don't even act like a Dark. She gives a shakey smile. You're actually the only reason I;m staying here and not going to the Light Lands. It's where Ashes thinks I should go. You know; so I don't get taken advantage of for being so nice. She thinks I would feel more at home there and she's probably right. She sighs again, tears forming in her flaming ebon eyes.

I like you a lot; more than a friend probably should, but I didn't try to. It wasn't on purpose. You make me feel special and wanted. I've never felt that way before. I mean, I knew Ashes wanted me around, but with you it's different. She's my sister and I want you to- She stops abruptly, realizing what she'd been about to say. She forgets her telepathic powers, forgets to 'turn them off' and speaks to herself as well as Depths, though it was not her intention. Eyes widen. ~I want you to love me because I love you...~

The red pulls away, heading towards the exit. She flashes Depths a teary-eyed smile. I-I've got to go. I'll see you later Depths. She turns away from him and begins to walk out of the lair, though her new relization made her pace extremly slow.....

OOC: AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Drama!!! Going now.

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