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Date Posted: 21:21:21 01/29/03 Wed
Author: Forbidden Depths
Subject: ^..::Love::..^
In reply to: Ember 's message, "She shuddered in his arms...." on 20:53:01 01/29/03 Wed


^..::The drake follows her set rythm, sucking in air in teh few moments his lips weren't attatched to hers. When his tounge wasn't joined with her own. And then, releases it, panting slightly. Body shuddering with the tension between them, the stuggle he was playing with his own body. Repeats the motion, adding slightly more power. And slithers his tounge into her mouth once more. Then moves on. Moving away from her cheek. Planting dark kisses down her body, tickling her softly with his tounge. Pauses at every stage of her body, feeling every crevas and nook and kissing her over and over. Slowly working his way down. Then, stop the downward motion at her thighs. Body still moving with hers he pants softly, rocking with her. And then releases a red tounge into her thighs. Playing with her, experimenting with her body. While still sending rockets of pleasur to the little femme. Hands massase(sp??) her thighs with a gentle rythm that quickly resembles the ever moving red snake playing within her red body. Sweat covers his body, the moisture haunting and yet, still calling for more. The constant tremors that attack his scales, adding only more power, more pleasure...::..^

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