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Lost Darkness & Star Shadow's Hidden Caves
Lost Darkness & Star Shadow's Hidden Caves

The tunnels of F&B's lair seem to darken and the shadows grow deeper. They seem more solid, almost touchable. As the tunnel goes deeper, the tunnel darkens greatly. In the corner of your eye, you see a shadow move. Whipping to face it, you see nothing and continue to move forward. A low hiss strikes your ears, but then fades away. Asuming it is the wind, you move on. A low growl comes next, and you pause. Then, your talons seem to drag you foward. Your mind screams in frustration, for you want to turn back but your legs draw you forward. The fear grows on you and then you see a pair of glowing orbs aimed at you. You blink and see the dark outline of a female dragon figure. A low snorts is sounded and she steps forward. You cannot see her, but her image is struck in your mind. She speaks, a low, hissing sound.

¤Let there be light...¤

¤Suddenly, the entire tunnel is bathed is a silver glow, iluminating even the darkest corners. You gasp, realizing you have stepped into a huge cavern, large enough to be a battle arena. A shiny object catches your eyes and you look straight forward. There in front of you is a large golden scale, placed gently on a limestone podeum. It seems to be the source of the light, only because there are several light orbs flashing above it, identical to the one given to Fathom. They decorate the walls and you stare in amazement. Finally, your gaze falls upon the black before you. Foolishly, you think F&B..., but you are quickly corrected by the black femme.

¤Oh no, I am her daughter. I am Lost Darkness, named by myself. This is Star Shadow...¤

She motions behind her and a dragoness of brilliant silver purpleish scales comes into veiw. The dragoness nods slightly, acknowledging your presence, but not speaking. She stares at you momentarily and then returns to her own thoughts. The black looks at her fondly and then turns, leaving you to your own devices. You quickly take up the take of looking around and you find that the cavern is well decorated. On the black, Lost Darkness's side, there are several shelves. One of the large ones contains obviously healing things and it is the fullest of the many. Another shelf, made of perfectly cut diamond, is ocupied by the dragoness's sword, it's hilt a deep black. The handle is decorated by stones of each plain she lived through. One from the fire plain, another from ice, one light brown from the magic plain and the last a white stone, that seems to generate a strange nothingess. Engaved on the hilt are these words. Darkness Strike You frown, finding it odd that a girl should name her weapon and she glares at you sharply. Quickly, you move on to another shelf. This one is cluttered with bloodied dragon teeth and scales, more than any other the other sibling. A roughly carved engavement about the scales. For the pain these dragons inflicted on my family. The black snorts, obviously satified with her work. Many other shelves lay roughly organized but each holding some value to the dragoness. On the other side of the room, the purple dragoness lies, sleeping, not bothered by your presence. Her side is much like the blacks, except her shelves are more organzed, probably because they have considerably less, especially on the scale and teeth shelf. Her sword lies upon a shelf of silver and the hilt is unscatched and well polished. A piece of stone from the magic plain, where she was born, is attached to the end of her handle. Many smaller trinkets are scattered about, several necklaces, probably from males who tried to win her over, and other gifts obviously from males. She obviously has little care for such things, for they are dusty and untouched. The two dragoness's bags of dragon hid are hung on a large claw at the entrance of the cavern. You look away from all the dragoness' possesions and then to the floor, after a sharp pain in your heels. You look down and see two dragon nymphs, fully grown. One is a deep aqua with white lighning like lines running along it's scales and the other is gold with a silver splash upon its muzzle. The purple is suddenlt in front of you and she picks up the gold lovingly. She notices your looks and snorts. She speaks, her voice soft but seductive and enchanting.

‡Her name is Rose Thorn. She's a rare beauty among nymphs...‡

She takes her nymph and returns to her bed, gently fingering the nymphs stomach, making is giggle softly. She smiles for the first time and her beauty seems to grow ten fold. The black calls out softly and the aqua and white nymph hisses at you, then turns and shoots back to her owner. The black's voice flows through your mind, obviously she did not want to speak. His name is Spark. He's a rather violent and strong nymph. I've seen him take out 2 year old hatchlings... She lets out a small simper, obviously proud of her creature. Then her voice comes again, and it is harsh. Now, speak, or leave. This is not a museum...

¤Lost Darkness¤ - Mind Control
‡Star Shadow‡ - Telekinesis

Spark [M] Lost Darkness
Rose Thorn [F] Star Shadow

Trance's Fury
Hell Singer
Forbidden Depths
Sea of Fury

Forbidden Depths & Sea of Fury's Carvern
Trance's Retreat
F&B and Fathom's Lair
Saber's Edge

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