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Date Posted: 11:50:44 10/20/02 Sun
Author: 'Taren
Subject: [revenge]
In reply to: Lodt Darkness 's message, "|...:::|+|:::...|" on 22:16:56 10/19/02 Sat

[eyes looked to her, as she advanced to him][ashen lips touch those of silver hue][at that moment, his talons climb to the base of her head][allowing their face to touch at this precise moment of testimony][as the kiss is finished, her words are heard][smile appearing upon his sky hued face, he runs his talons down her neck and back, caressing her][giving a slight nuzzle to the beauty, he nears her dial once more][sapphire orbs continue to gaze in her reflective dazzling eyes, as talons now once again caress the scales of her upper neck and base of head][kissing her cheek tenderly, the smile reappears on his handsome face] *Oh, my love. I promise to be true to thee. And to love you for the rest of our immortal lives* [watching her eyes most delicately, the Shadow dragon’s Heart Stone began to shimmer with radiant light][it was almost time to give his mate his eternal gift to her, yet not at that moment][kissing her forehead, then looking back down at her, the handsome male brushed his one talon across her cheek lovingly] *Do you wish to tell the good word to our fellow dragons outside? Or would you rather we continue our celebration of love in this domain?* [this decision was entirely up to her][he was content with both][waiting for her answer, he continued to caress her face plates, looking into her eyes with those of pale sapphires]

No, he doesnt have a second form. Its up to you, and let me know. And whatever your little heart desires about Raist and Bairavee - its up to you!!! ~DaWn~

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