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Date Posted: 12:16:34 01/07/03 Tue
Author: 'Taren
Subject: [ever pained]
In reply to: Lost Darkness 's message, "^From Within^" on 21:53:00 01/06/03 Mon

[allowing himself to be pampered to this time, he smiled at her][sighing a sigh of pure contentment, his pale aquamarine eyes caught hold of her orbs][he shifted his bulky mass of a western, and simply gazed at her again][wrapping his own tail around his neck, he cocked his brows and smirked upon speaking of the shadow lord] .How did he do it? He was in Everdark at the time, now he has left there. He cannot torment me when he is away from his dark domain. Magic and blood ties - That's how he can do it... And why? Because I am in love with you... An impure, a different type than me. And he wished for me to leave you, I do believe that was why he called me back... But I would have refused - He would have done the same to me, but I doubt I would be alive... if you wouldnt have shown up. [sighing, he kept his gaze upon her distant figure][ahh, the pain continued to linger][and a coughing fit erupted through his bare lungs][yet he kept steady and true][like his mother would][like she did]

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