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Date Posted: 21:54:15 07/23/00 Sun
Author: Mr. Phule
Subject: Litany Draft

Well, Drake and I never really got a chance to talk, but I doubt it'll change much from what I can come up with on my own.

As I said earlier....if you've got a problem with any of this, just say somethin', and we can work it out. Otherwise, tough luck, sorry, you had your chance but now it's gone, blah blah blah. (It will still happen, but that's ok)

I'm kinda tired now, so this isn't all formal, but it will be when I put up a final draft.

Article 1: Ranks and Command Structure.

The clan shall be led by the Council of Light, which consists of three seats. Council positions are elected by a majority of the clan. Council positions are permanent, unless a council member resigns or is voted out due to inactivity or bad conduct.

The clan shall be comprised of houses, or subdivisions, each with its own ranking system. Each house shall have a housemaster, who is the direct superior to all members of the house. The housemaster awards promotions and/or rank to members in the house. Additionally, only a housemaster may allow a new member to join that house.

Within the houses are the members. Members present at meetings will be allowed to vote on all issues brought up.

(Note: I'm thinking about having the council members not having votes. Feedback please.)

Finally, are the recruits. When a person is initially recruited, they have a REC~ Tag on their name. This tag must be worn for a minimum of 1 week before gaining acceptance into a house by a housemaster. A REC is not allowed to vote in the meetings, but otherwise will be treated as a full member.

Article 2: Names

(Currently, Diablo 2 does not support changing character names. As such, new members would be forced to create new characters when they joined, if we use clan names. As such, I propose that the clan name simply be inserted into the profile. Again, feedback?)

Whenever online, clan members are strongly encouranged to display clan tags at all times. Clan tags MUST be displayed during all meetings, tournaments, or any other SH sanctioned event.

Article 3 : Discipline

Basically, we've got 1 rule: "don't be a jerk"

Housemasters are expected to deal with unruly behavior. If the problem continues, members can be expelled by a 2/3 majority agreement of the housemasters and council members.

(This isn't a whole-clan issue because clans tend to form cliches and as such, only a small amount of the clan might be aware of the problem. The hope is to cull these things out before they come serious. Anyone who remembers Amb.Kosh or Than will agree with me on this.)

Basically...that's it. Erm, anything else can be added later.

-Mr. Phule

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