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Date Posted: 10:53:28 08/05/00 Sat
Author: Mr. Phule
Subject: Re: So, whats everbody up to?
In reply to: Emrys 's message, "Re: So, whats everbody up to?" on 06:05:22 08/04/00 Fri

Not everyone lives in the air like you do, but I do know who the Blue Angels are, and I've seen them. Not that I really know anything about flying, but I'm pretty damn sure that I could NOT do what they do. Yes, that is definately sometihng that lies beyond my skill. Of course, seeing as the only thing I know about flying is what I learned through playing Wing Commander and X-Wing I suppose that doesn't really say very much.

As for the Realms, well...grrr...not sure. I think we'll primarily just be an Open clan, because that lends itself to clan play alot easier, but I know I'll probably be playing on USEast. Actually, I'll probably have a character on both USEast and USWest, to avoid the conflict.

I think I've finally figured out a good way to play the Necromancer, so I'll be using him on at least one of the Realms....maybe an Amazon on the other.

My Hardcore Barbarian is doin' ok. It's amazing how much faster you use up potions with Hardcore. But I took his Find Potion skill up to 6th level, and I haven't had to buy any potions through all of Act 1. (I'm just about to take on Andariel....but I'm still kinda nervous about it, so I'm leveling up a little bit before I do. Heh, I've got a level 17 character still in Act 1.)

Anyway...yea, keep up the USEast guy, and maybe start a USWest fella if you feel like it. Might be a good idea.


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  • I am up to some stuff -- Anthrax, 23:56:30 08/05/00 Sat
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