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Date Posted: 23:36:21 08/10/00 Thu
Author: Zeratul
Subject: =) [nt]
In reply to: Mr. Phule 's message, "[Non Canon NSSWOTA] Enter: mew. [Non-Canon NSSWOTA]" on 23:08:02 08/09/00 Wed

> Again, non-canon means that this is not considered
> part of the overall storyline. I merely want to
> introduce the newest character to the cast, mew.
> If you've been reading Sluggy, you already have a good
> idea of this, otherwise....well, mew. is a small
> kitten...that can talk, though his languange contains
> only one word, "mew". Strangly enough, however, all
> of our characters can understand him just fine. But,
> to give you an idea about the type of character it is,
> I've written up a little story to give you a basic
> idea....MWA HA HA HA
> [Scene: Safe Haven HQ. Not much is goin’ on.
> Anthrax is running around, on fire, Phule is playing
> D2, and bidding on D2 characters on eBay. You know,
> the 77th Level Necromancer that sold for just under
> $400. He enjoys pumping up the prices on those sorts
> of things. Omnivich is sitting at a table sipping
> from a cup of coffee and flipping through a stack of
> paper. Drake, taking a break from his own D2
> exploits, walks over.]
> Drake: What's up with the papers?
> Omnivich: Some interesting statistics.
> Drake: On what?
> Omnivich: Here's an example. Did you realize that of
> the 21,814 city ordinances passed against Safe Haven,
> that 7,149 of them were against mew. specifically?
> Drake: That's almost a third. Impressive.
> Omnivich: From a certain perspective. There were the
> laws passed making mew. either be Loitering with
> Intent or Shambling with Intent, basically giving the
> police power to arrest when he is in public, either
> moving or standing still.
> Drake: That was an interesting week. Very reminiscent
> of the LA rioting when they tried to stop him from
> seeing The Matrix.
> Omnivich: Indeed. And then there were the laws passed
> to stop him using the sewers and storm drains as an
> alternate transport route to avoid the first laws.
> Drake: *shudders* I remember that smell...
> Omnivich: The laws were passed after he got lost and
> kicked his way through the floor of the mayors
> bathroom while the mayors wife was having a bath. He
> was also subsequently sued for the resulting mental
> anguish and neurosis inflicted upon the poor woman.
> Drake: So the story that we saw on Hard Copy about the
> Mayors Wife being incapable of setting foot in a
> bathroom without being heavily sedated, and that she
> preferred to be hosed down with the garden hose rather
> than have a bath ARE true!
> Omnivich: And now we know why. However, the Mayor
> found that he'd shot himself in the foot with the
> court case against mew.. A previous city ordinance
> had made it illegal for him to come within a one
> kilometer radius of the courts.
> Drake: That would be after he served jury duty,
> wouldn't it...
> Omnivich: And then of course there were the laws that
> made it illegal for the power, cable, satellite and TV
> networks to cut off the HQ despite the fact that we
> never pay them. This was considered cheaper than what
> happens after mew. goes to town to complain.
> Drake: He has a tendency to be rather indiscriminate?
> Omnivich: Not so much deliberately, he just tends to
> forget which building is which, so a randomly picked
> building in the central business district suffers.
> Drake: The irony was when he got turned around in the
> central city and thought that Blizzard was a Cable
> network.
> Omnivich: Actually one of our more successful raids,
> all things considered.
> Drake: It certainly made the papers.
> Omnivich: After a while, mew. simply ignored all the
> legislation.
> Drake: Or alternatively, he simply forgot...
> Omnivich: That's certainly an option. And the police
> refused to enforce the laws until they were either
> granted combat pay or a tank. Neither were forthcoming.
> Drake: Well, they GOT the tank, but then mew. stole it.
> Omnivich: Ah yes. Legislation 354 to 421...
> (Omnivich begins to thumb through more papers
> intently.)
> (Drake pauses for a while, sipping coffee and calmly
> looking into space. Slowly he begins to notice that
> the world is slightly quieter than it 'should' be.)
> Drake: Where IS mew.?
> (Emrys turns around from where he's shouting at his
> Spatula’s.)
> Emrys: He went out to find relatively concrete
> information on energy weapons technology. Something
> about finding a new ways to kill Anthrax. I guess he
> got bored with those flamethrowing meat hooks.
> Drake: This would certainly explain why Anthrax ran
> screaming down the street with his hair on fire this
> afternoon.
> Emrys: Yup, mew. missed.
> Drake: *thinks* WHERE did he go to get this
> information?
> Emrys: Not sure.
> Omnivich: I certainly hope that he hasn't heard about
> the new particle accelerator being on the edge of
> town...
> Drake: ...
> Emrys: ...
> Omnivich: I'm terrified beyond the capacity for
> rational thought.
> Drake: ...
> [The End]

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