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Date Posted: 21:00:41 08/13/00 Sun
Author: Zeratul
Subject: Sometimes it never hurts to try.... Little chance? Aye, but there still be a chance ;)[nt]
In reply to: Mr. Phule 's message, "Re: Well then..." on 19:18:06 08/13/00 Sun

> I doubt if there's anything to be done in that
> situation. Here's basically the lifespan of a clan.
> 1) Inception - some guy (or small group of guys) gets
> it in their head to form a clan. It will be the
> greatest of all clans, with the highest ideals or some
> such.
> 2) The growth - The clan is born and grows, almost
> nothing like the inception, but nobody really cares.
> People join.
> 3) The golden age - All is well in the clan, it's
> runnin' smooth, people come to the meetings, play
> games, have a great time. All is well. Typically
> lasts a few monthes, but not much longer.
> 4) The decline. Something happens. doesn't matter
> what, but the clan goes into a slum and never really
> gets out.
> 5) The revival. A few of the "loyalists", yearning
> for the golden age, do all they can to revive the clan
> and bring it back. They do not realize that this is
> pretty near always a futile gesture.
> 6) The revelation - Those attempting the revival
> realize that all of them just want the clan to be back
> in the golden age, but that none of them really want
> to do any of the work involved to do it.
> 7) The End - Slowly, the last attempts at The Revival
> fade away. Sometimes they succeed, most often they
> fail. One by one, the members move on to other things.
> Your friend is in stage 5, the revival. Safe Haven is
> currently in the beginning moments of stage 7. In
> truth, probably the only way to help him would be to
> combine forces, but you'd only get a half-hearted
> effort on SH's part. Personally, I don't even want to
> try anymore, though I will stick around for a while,
> and I will finish DoG. Otherwise, barring a miracle,
> aint much gonna happen. Ahh well, thems the breaks.
> -Mr. Phule

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  • WOOHOOO!!! -- Zeratul, 21:43:42 09/14/00 Thu
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