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Date Posted: 16:08:59 09/06/00 Wed
Author: Zeratul
Subject: Kick Ass [nt]
In reply to: Mr. Phule 's message, "SWEEET! (read this!)" on 18:20:06 09/01/00 Fri

> Well, it done looks like Blizzard's got plans in thier
> crafty minds for an Expansion Set to Diablo 2. KEEN!
> Looks to include two more classes, the Assasin and the
> Druid, along with a continued storyline. Those of you
> who've at least beaten the game on Normal will
> understand that I was hearilty dissapointed by the
> ending. Maybe now there will be a chance for
> retribution.
> Rumor has it that with the expansion will come those
> Guild Halls rumored from way back when. Yippy skippy,
> the evil!
> -Mr. Phule
> "High explosives are applicable where reason and logic
> fail."

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  • Nah dude all the expansion will do is make 50 thousand people who level up assassins to be PKs and druids to be PKs and take their old character and get even better stuff. That is, unless they separate the server for the exp making everyone create a new character. If they do that.... well people will be pissed either way. But umm yeah I now have a level 45 necro on East and a level 30 sorc on west. Both have some nifty stuff. Anyone wants to play... IM me or something. -- Anthrax, 17:06:44 09/06/00 Wed
  • Ya, you've summed it up, but damnit, I wanna see Baal burn, damnit. I WANT HIM TO GO DOWN. YOU'RE GOING DOWN BAAL...OH YES, YOU'RE GOING DOWN! [nt] -- Mr. Phule, 17:10:08 09/06/00 Wed
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