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Date Posted: 21:31:55 09/19/00 Tue
Author: Anthrax
Subject: D2 and Realms

Welper... I only play realms now. Used to play open, but when a guy comes in with a lvl 99 guy with a tiny dagger that does 999999999 damage and wants to duel....... yes. Thats why i play realm. I have a level 47 Necromancer on East. I also have a level 29 sorceress on west, although her skills are all messed up and I dont play her anymore. Right now I'm working on a level 21 paladin on west, Paladins are nifty things. They are all under the same account,
however I am not on much weekdays and only bits on weekends due to homework being gay. Leave a message or something on here and we'll see about playing. Oh yes... Phuley, Blood golem sux bro... and Bone spells rule. I got a nifty level 23 Bone Spirit. Makes people run it does.... And Bloodys suck cuz if you fight a unique in NM or hell and its buff... all of a sudden you're dead. Ok, thats all from me for now. BTW... Anyone need a Sigons Guard on East, I got a couple surplus. =)

Proud owner of lots of nifty unique items on D2. >=)

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