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Date Posted: 15:02:01 09/21/00 Thu
Author: Mr. Phule
Subject: Eh...here's what I've noticed about Hardcore
In reply to: Drake 's message, "I am playing with the idea of making a hardcore amazon, any reasons I shouldnt or suggestions on what I should do hardcore wise??" on 13:09:21 09/21/00 Thu

I know with my HC Barbarian, I run away alot more, I go through alot more potions, and I tend to spend devote about 5 times as much time to leveling up. My Barb is level 27, entering Act 3. That, and I have him backed up. I don't know if that actually works with Open HC characters, but if he ever dies I guess I'll know for sure.

The nice thing about Barbs though, is that with find potion, he's got a 4x4 belt full of Full Rejuv's along with plenty of spares in my inventory. Decent equipment, but I don't play nearly enough to ever find the "good stuff."

With the Amazon, I'd pick a weapon type and go with that almost exclusively. If you do Bows, keep a pointy stick with you for bosses, but otherwise you're probably ok.

-Mr. Phule
"I already know about sex, but could someone please explain to me where beany babies come from?"

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  • No oppinion what so ever from me, for one thing, never played a amazon, two, I never played hardcore, third, my oppinion would wrecks hovac on all that follows it -- Zeratul, 19:26:47 10/04/00 Wed
  • Hey...don't sell that cheese short. There's a reason it got that A+ you know. Cheese can be pretty bright sometimes. (NT) -- Mr. Phule, 20:01:17 10/04/00 Wed
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