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Date Posted: 17:21:53 09/28/00 Thu
Author: Drake
Subject: ::sigh:: Lotsa texties
In reply to: Emrys 's message, "What's up all?" on 12:01:30 09/28/00 Thu

Welp I am...

Working for a living(I am increasingly being made to buy my own things such as clothes, haircuts, food. I make about $100 a week, but that was last week, now with the hours I have been scheduled, I will make about $50.00. No typo, I meant fifty.)

Going to school(Do to an error on my part I scheduled an hour between each of my three classes, something that could have taken me 3 hours to complete, now takes me 5. I have nothing to do while I sit in my car, waiting for the next class. I live 30 mins away, so I cant go home, and I have no money to buy any of the food on campus, which is a complete ripoff.)

My girlfreind lives 50 miles away round trip, making each visit cost about $5.00 in gas, making it impossible to see her more then once a week, and when I do see her, it is at work.(We work at the same place and she works there on the weekends)

I had to return my DVD player becuase it was malfunctioning. And the olympics suck, same thing everytime. "Ohh I want to thank everyone for helping me get here and now that I have won the gold all my hopes and dreams have come true. I can't wait to become some announcer for the next olympics!"

I beat Diablo, and playing it sucks becuase my computer sucks, so there is no real reason for me to get onto the computer specially since nobody seems to be online when I am, nor does anybody type on this message board. Only reason I get online anymore is to read Sluggy, and only Phule understands why.

Anywho, enough of my sad sap story, whats new with everyone else?

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