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Date Posted: 19:14:47 10/04/00 Wed
Author: Zeratul
Subject: Nothing much at all really ::snore::
In reply to: Emrys 's message, "What's up all?" on 12:01:30 09/28/00 Thu

> Wow... no one has posted here in a really friggin long
> time. Ok, so I'm going to do a time check to see how
> often anyone actually even checks this board anymore.
> It is 1:55 Indiana time right now. The next person to
> read this, post a reply and we'll see the time
> difference, which will probably be measured in days.
> So what's been keeping everyone so busy. I'm claiming
> a combination of flying (I have over 130 hours in the
> air, which isn't much but still sounds like a lot to
> me), rowing (been getting up before 5:30 every day for
> a fun little outing on the river... our first race is
> coming up in Pittsburg on Oct. 7, and over 4000
> athletes will be there, lining up to get their
> whipping from Purdue), running (training for the
> Chicago marathon... well, sort of training, but I
> haven't been doing as much as I should, so that 26.2
> miles is going to kick my ass in the end), and going
> to class (with the exception of my physics class,
> which I haven't gone to for a month yet still got one
> of the highest grades on the exam we had the other
> day... needless to say, that pissed some people off).
> I don't think I've even had time to THINK about
> playing video games for a couple weeks now. More
> important things to do. Luckily, some of these
> important things are female. The social life is a lot
> more active as a sophmore than as a freshman, at least
> in my experience. I'm not about to complain about
> that though.
> So that's the low down on my life. What's everyone
> else up to?
> Emrys

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